Trip Report – India Northwest and Eastern India – Small Cats and other lesser mammals.
This is a trip report for private mammal-watching tour organized for Dr. Martin Daniel and his wife Natascha Daniel to north-western and eastern India, focusing on six small cats,
Trip report India ‘A quest for cats from East to West’ 13 march – 3 April 2023
Trip report Inda, a search for wild cats of India and much more other wildlife and scenery
Northern Oncilla
It’s a Wild Life! – Separate Post: Northern Oncilla Hi everybody, As many of you know Romy and I (Rob) are travelling South-America and are now in Colombia. Of course w
Wild dogs and cats – my crazy project
I have photographed wildlife all around the world for years. Then the pandemic kept me (like most of us) under virtual house arrest for a while. During this period, I conceiv
Puma Action Photos
I just came across this cool series of photos showing a male Puma (Mountain Lion) in action, leaping from a tree, in the Santa Cruz mountains of California. It is in a blog post b
Question about carnivores in WA State and/or British Columbia, CA
Hi again to the mammal watching community. Before I get to my question let me not be selfish, and thank everyone for the awesome tips and advice I’ve been getting from everyo