I recently spent several days in Taiwan. It was a birding FAM trip, so there wasn’t loads of time for mammals, but I thought brief notes may be of interest … Taiwan Red
Monkey Mayhem: Formosan Rock Macaques Will Rock Your World at Shoushan
This World Monkey Day, December 14, 2024, I went for a hike at Shoushan (壽山, Mandarin for “Longevity Mountain”), a coastal mountain in Kaohsiung, the largest city in southe
New Trip Report: Taiwan
Another Taiwan report .. three years ago there was none Taiwan, 2019: Jon Lehmberg, 12 days & 11 species including Yellow-throated Marten and Ryuku Flying Fox. Jon
New Trip Report: Taiwan, 2018
Vladimr Dinets just got back from Taiwan. Taiwan, 2018: Vladimir Dinets, 4 days & 40 species including many bats, rats and shrews, an Asiatic Black Bear and a peculiar Weasel.
Nagano, Japan and Dasyeushan, Taiwan
I spent a few days in Japan and Taiwan last month on a family trip. Nagano, Japan We spent 3 nights in Nagano Prefecture, an area I have visited several times before and most recen
New Trip Report: Taipei Area
A short report from Vladimir Dinets on a few mammals around Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei and around, 2018: Vladimir Dinets, 4 days and species including Chinese Ferret Badger, Crab-eati
Taiwan, 2017
Until the middle of 2016 Taiwan was mysteriously absent from trip reports. Here was an island, with a bunch of endemics, that no one seemed to visit for the mammals. I assumed 
I spent a week in Taiwan in August 2017. The country is not at all what I imagined: far more forest, mountains and mammals.I returned for two nights in July 2018. Dasyeushan Nation
New Trip Report: Taiwan, Korea and Japan
I waited 10 years for the first Taiwanese trip report, and got a second a day later, though this one also includes Korea and Japan. Taiwan, Korea and Japan 2016: Dominque Brugiere,
New Trip Report – Taiwan
John Wright sent me the first mammal report for this website from Taiwan. Its a country I have been interested in for a while but the lack of mammal information put me off. Now