RFI: Tips for Easter in Central-ish Europe
Hello, I would like to make a short trip for non-flying wildlife watching for Easter. I am based in Prague and so far no flight tickets for a price I would be willing to pay for 4
New Trip Report: High Tatras, Slovakia
A new report from Ralf Bürglin who was in Slovakia earlier this month. High Tatras, Slovakia, 2018: Ralf Bürglin, 2 days & 6 species including Tatra Chamois and a Wolf.  
New Trip Report: Hungary & Slovakia
Steve Morgan had a successful trip through Hungary and Slovakia last month chasing bats and small mammals. Hungary and Slovakia, 2017: Steve Morgan, 9 days & 30 species includ
New (Short) Trip Report: Slovakia
Matt and Maureen Steer sent me a brief report of a short visit to Slovakia, primarily so I could add a Slovakia page to mammalwatching.com. Thank you! Slovakia, 2017: Matt and Maur
I visited Slovakia in 2008 for work but am pretty sure I didn’t see any mammals.