Site reports for Ceiba Tops (Peru) and the Sabang Area (Palawan, Philippines)
Ceiba Tops mammal records (Iquitos area, Peru; 2023). On a two-day stay I saw +14 mammal species including Anderson’s Four-eyed Opossum (Philander andersoni), Bishop’s Slender
New Trip Report: The Philippines
Here’s a second 2020 report from Curtis Hart. Palawan, Cebu and Bohol, 2020: Curtis Hart, 4 weeks & 17 species including Philippine Colugo, Palawan Flying Squirrel and Du
New Trip Report: Philippine Tarsiers and Vietnamese Langurs
Matt and Maureen Steer ‘s short report of a long trip. Philippine Tarsier and Vietnamese Langurs, 2018: Matt and Maureen Steer’s notes from a seven week not a mammal wa
The chance to run a workshop in Manila in November 2015 was a welcome opportunity for a few days mammal watching. That said, the Philippines comprises more than 7,000 islands so pl
Philippines, November 2015
The chance to run a workshop in Manila in November 2015 was a welcome opportunity for a few days mammal watching. That said, the Philippines comprises more than 7,000 islands so p