Site reports for Ceiba Tops (Peru) and the Sabang Area (Palawan, Philippines)
Ceiba Tops mammal records (Iquitos area, Peru; 2023). On a two-day stay I saw +14 mammal species including Anderson’s Four-eyed Opossum (Philander andersoni), Bishop’s Slender
Junin Lake, Peru Colocolo
A quick trip to Junin Lake, Peru from Aug 15-18 where we successfully found Colocolo on 2/3 nights.
Mammals of Peru
Hi people, Here is a video I made of the mammals which I filmed during a six week round trip in Peru, back in 2018: Salinas y Aguada Blanca Reserve: Common Mountain Viscacha, Culpe
This trip from Original Nature sounds like a real adventure. Some great mammals, an opportunity to learn a ton about fieldcraft from the local guides, and an almost guaranteed chan
IT’S A WILD LIFE! – TRIP REPORT PERU 2022/2023 – Updated & Extended Version!
We (Rob Jansen & Romy Jansen-Houtzager) are two enthusiastic nature lovers who travel the world together to search for stunning birds, fascinating mammals and incredible nature
Field Guides tour to Iquitos, Peru
Bret Whitney and I recently led a tour to Iquitos, Peru, where we saw several primates, opossums and rodents
It’s a Wild Life! – Pacarana Encounter
Of course there will be a Trip Report from our full Ecuador trip soon, but multiple members of this community encouraged me to make a separate post about this elusive mammal. Some
Advert: Amazon Wildlife Tracking in Peru with Original Nature, October 2023
This trip from Original Nature sounds superb. Some great mammals, an opportunity to learn a ton about fieldcraft from the local guides, and an almost guaranteed chance to see enorm
It’s a Wild Life! – Trip Report Peru 2022
We (Rob Jansen & Romy Jansen-Houtzager) are two enthusiastic nature lovers who travel the world together to search for stunning birds, fascinating mammals and incredible nature
New Trip Report: Peru and Brazil
Here’s a report of a mega trip from Justin Brown. Peru and Brazil, 2022: 4 weeks & many species with 25 different primates alone including Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey, Re