New Trip Report: Bolivia and Paraguay
Another report from Dominque Brugiere. Bolivia and Paraguay, 2018: Domique Brugiere, 1 month with species including Jaguarundi, Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot and Tayra. Jon
New Trip Report: Paraguay, 2016
Thank you to Richard Webb for sending through this report from Cloudbirders, which is important as much for the details of how to do the Paraguayan Chaco independently, as it is f
New Trip Report: Paraguay
Here’s a new report – I think his first for – from Robert Foster who had a stellar trip to Paraguay back in 2015. Paraguay, 2015: Robert Foster
El infierno verde, the green hell, as the chaco is known, straddles Paraguay and Bolivia. It is one of the most inhospitable places on the planet: hot, dry and dusty and the dense