Check out Jonas Livet & Rūta Vaicekauskaitė's superb and remarkable report on seeing Yangtze Finless Porpoise and some other great mammals around Nanjing city including Asian Bad
The Netherlands
I haven't looked for mammals in Holland, but I've included community reports from those that have.
Trip report Sabah, Borneo
Yet another trip report on Borneo? Sabah is a very popular destination for birders and mammal watchers alike and both as well as have numerous t
The Azores
The Azores offer some of Europe's best whale watching. In the summer you can expect to see a good diversity of species including - if you get good weather - beaked whales.
Iceland July 20th to 24th mammalwatching embeded in a visit to friends…
I made a trip with my partner to Iceland on July 20th to 24th 2023. This was not a mammal watching trip only, the main focus was to visit her friends in Reykjavik, but i man
Saudi Arabia Feb-Mar 2023 (Jan Ebr)
Unfortunately I did not manage to be the first to make a report from Saudi Arabia, only the second, but at least I have topped Carlos … by 1 species! 13 species in 19 days an
I spent a couple of nights in Vienna in October 2016. I loved the city, which is now one of my favourites in Europe, but didn't do much mammal watching.
I haven’t been to Lithuania yet. I’ve included community reports from those that have.
I haven't been to Madeira yet, but I've included community reports from those that have.
Svalbard (Spitsbergen)
I've taken two cruises off of Svalbard. Great scenery and good wildlife, even if ataking part in a cruise takes a bit of getting use to.