New Trip Report: Ecuador
A new report from Lennart Verheuvel and a productive 2 weeks in Ecuador. Part 2 – to Bolivia – up next in 2 days. Ecuador, 2021: Lennart Verheuvel, 16 days & 18 spe
New Trip Repor: Ecuador
A new report from Aidan Place who saw some nice Ecuadorean mammals during a birding trip. Ecuador, 2022: Aidan Place, 2 weeks with species including Western Olingo, Tayra and Mount
New Trip Report: Ecuador, 2021
In early 2021 I published a short report from Karina and Andre Giljov, who had uncovered an apparently reliable spot for Mountain Coati in Mindo. I was gripped. So were others. Thi
The Galapagos, 2021
I spent a week in the Galapagos in May 2021. There are very few mammals in the Galapagos, and many are very hard to see unless you are on a research expedition. And so I could writ
New Trip Report: Ecuador, 2021
Here’s a new report from Cheryl Antonucci who just got back from a week in Ecuador. Apart from being as entertaining as her reports always are, it is great timing for me: I&
Has anyone been to the Galapagos?
Has anyone been to the Galapagos? I’m planning a week there at the end of May and am overwhelmed with the number of cruise options and underwhelmed at the lack of mammal repo
New Trip Report: Ecudaor
Here is another report from Ecuador – from John Rogers – covering visits in 2019 and 2020. Rio Canandé and the Andean east slope, 2019-20: John Rogers, 2 weeks or so a
New Trip Report(s): Ecuador
Here’s a report from Ian Thompson covering two visits to Ecuador. Some accompanying photographs are here. Given the current uncertainties regarding travel, I’ve found
New Trip Report: Tiputini and Cayambe-Coca, Ecuador
A great report from William Freedberg’s trip to Ecuador in January, featuring what must have been a superb – and superbly rare – encounter with three Bush Dogs, o
New Trip Report: Bellavista and Coco Cayembe, Ecuador
A new report from Rauno Väisänen: interesting to read that Olinguitos were scarce at Bellavista. I hope this is just a temporary move by the animals to social distance! Bella Vi