Advertising: A Cheap Way To See Polar Bears In Churchill, Canada by Train
Someone was asking me a few months back if there is a more affordable way to visit Churchill to see the bears. Well here it is. This looks like a fun trip organised by Wildlife Tra
Tips for whale watching in Gulf of St Lawrence
Looking for recommendations for WHALE WATCHING sites and operators in the GULF OF ST LAWRENCE in the END OF JULY. I will have time to visit two different spots for whale watching.
Is it possible to spotlight for pine martens?
I’m most familiar with spotlighting in tropical countries, but recently I’ve also had the chance to try it in Canada and found Northern and Southern flying squirrels. I
Vancouver Island and Jasper, August 2023
This past summer I had the opportunity to visit Canada on a family holiday for two weeks. It wasn´t an exhaustive wildlife watching vacation, but we did a whale watching trip, and
Quebec: Gaspesie National Park and Forillon National Park
I had intended to fly into St. John’s Newfoundland but accidentally booked a flight to St. John, NB. Apparently this happens several times per week according to airport staff
I haven’t been to Saskatchewan yet but I have included community reports from those that have.
New Trip Report: Northern British Columbia
Here’s a first report from wildlife photographer Jamie Lamb (you can check out some of his wonderful photos at ) Northern British Columbia &
New Trip Report: Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island, 2019: Sheelagh Halsey, 2 weeks & 17 species including Vancouver Island Marmot, River Otter, Mink and Grizzly and Black Bears. Jon
New Trip Report: Vancouver Island and the Yukon
Here’s a new report from Samuel Marlin. Good to see that there are still so many mammals in spots I visited 12 years ago. Vancouver Island and the Yukon, 2018: Samuel Marlin,