Bali and Timor-Leste: diving with Blue Whales and more!
This was a trip like no other! Watching a Blue Whale under water had been a long-awaited dream for me and it was worth the wait! Furthermore I had a really nice sighting of Dugong
Bali and Lombok April 2023 (Jan Ebr)
We went to Bali and Lombok to snorkel, which was very successful with 230 species of fish in two weeks! And oh, we also saw 19 species of mammals and maybe discovered a previously
Bali/Lombok rodent IDs
Our recent – primarily snorkeling – trip to Bali and Lombok has proven surprisingly fruitful for mammals with at least 18 species seen (and possibly more depending on w
New Trip Report: West Bali National Park
Here’s a report from Michael Johnson. West Bali National Park, 2019: 4 days & 9 species including Javan Lutung, Black Giant Squirrel and Rusa Deer. Jon
Trip report: Indonesia 2018
Trip report – Indonesia 2018 by Tomer Ben-Yehuda. Java –> Sulawesi –> Bali –>Komodo –> Bali (with another night excursion to Java) –