
Malayan Greater Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris malayana)

I spent 24 hours in Singapore in 2022 on the way back from Borneo.  I managed to see 12 species of mammals around the city, mainly thanks to the skill and generosity of Benjamin Lee who showed me around. I saw Annandale’s Sundaic Rat, Sunda Flying Lemur, Long-tailed Macaque, Dawn Bat, Bicolored Leaf-nosed Bat, Glossy Horseshoe Bat, Javan Pipistrelle, Malayan Greater Bamboo Bat, Nepalese Whiskered Bat, Sunda Palm Civet, Wild Boar, Lesser Oriental Chevrotain. I need to return for the Raffles’s Banded Langurs.


Community Reports

Singapore and Panti Forest Reserve, Johor Malaysia, 2023: Michael Johnson, 3 days & 8 species including – in Singapore – Raffle’s Banded Langur and Lesser Mouse Deer.

Sabah and Singapore, 2022Fiona Reid, 19 days & 63 species including – in Singapore – Raffles’ Banded Langurs.

Singapore, 2022: Jon Hall, 1 day & 12 species including Glossy Horseshoe and Greater Bamboo Bats and Annandale’s Rat.

Singapore, 2019: Romain Boquier, 2 days & 10 species including Banded LangurSmooth-coated Otter and Galago.

Sabah, Singapore and Peninsula Malaysia, 2019: Phil Telfer, 18 days & 62 species including Clouded Leopard, Western Tarsier, Otter Civet, Sun Bear and – just to rub salt in the wound – a Sunda Pangolin!

Singapore, Java, Malaysia and Sumatra, 2019: Anita Ericson and Lars Petersson, 6 weeks & 63 species including  – in Singapore – Smooth-coated Otter and Sunda Colugo.

Singapore and Southern Malaysia, 2019: Jon Lehmberg, 6 days & 21 species including BinturongShort-tailed Mongoose and Sunda Pangolin.

Singapore, 2018: Vladimir Dinets, 2 days & several mammals including Sunda Pangolin.

Singapore, 2018: Mike Hoit, 1 night & 3 species including Smooth-coated Otters.

Malaysia & Singapore, 2014: Mike Hoit, 5 days in Singapore with some nice species including Colugo and Bamboo Bats.

Australia & Singapore, 2013: Andrew and Ben Balmford, 2 days in Singapore & 10 species including Colugo and Red-cheeked Flying Squirrel.

South East Asia, 2010: Matt and Maureen Steer, 8 weeks & 31 species including Hairy-nosed Otters, Gaur and Pangolin (Thailand), Short-clawed Otters (Malaysia) and Smooth-coated Otters (Singapore).

Also See

RFI Otters in Singapore, August 2024

Rodent IDs in Singapore, February 2024

RFI Hong Kong and Singapore, November 2023

RFI Amsterdam, Prague and Singapore, March 2009


Singapore Biodiversity Records is an online journal publishing mammal (and other wildlife) records.

1 Comment

  • Liam

    Any advice on who to contact to possibly use a as a guide in Singapore to look for some mammals in December 2018? Also anyone who may have any useful info about where to go, general safety etc. Looking at maybe one or two evenings?

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