In July 2013 I flew to Portland, Oregon, and spent a few days driving down to LA. One of my targets was the Siskiyou Chipmunk, which has a pretty limited range on the California/Or
In April 2012 John Fox and I headed down to Tennessee for the Easter weekend to meet up with Vladimir Dinets who was living in Knoxville and had kindly offered to show us around.
South Dakota
I have been to South Dakota in 1993 but don't remember what species I saw in the spectacular Badlands National Park. At Wind Cave National Park I saw Bison and Black-tailed Prarie
Virginia & Washington D.C.
I haven't spent much time in Virginia, but I have been to DC a few times: until 2010 I didn't spot any mammals other than Grey Squirrels though. Unless you count the unusually smar
In October 2008 I scored a work trip to Newfoundland. I only had 24 hours to look for wildlife, and of course I just scratched the surface. But I had enough time to say that the gu
I haven't visited Manitoba yet, but I've included community reports from those who have.
British Columbia
I can't claim to have even scratched the surface of British Columbia. But I can claim to have visited Vancouver Island three times. I spent 3 nights there in late May 2006, primari
I haven't been to Alberta yet, but I've included community reports from those that have.
Washington State
Washington State is home to some quality mammals and spectacular scenery. I visited in February 2009 for the first time and had a couple of days to look around. February is not a g
I've been to Wyoming three times. In July 1993 I spent a couple of nights in Yellowstone and a third at Grand Teton National Park. Both excellent national parks (though Yellowstone