Mexico is a hidden gem. A super diverse country with a great many species that are barely known. A trip here is always an adventure.
North Carolina
My main goal for the weekend were Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, which seems to be recorded on about 1 in every 3 or 4 trips.
The only mammalwatching I have done in Pennsylvania is to search for Northern Flying Squirrels in higher elevations of the Poconos. I did not find any.
Texas has some rugged country and visiting Big Bend National Park in 1998 was a long cherished ambition, as was seeing an Armadillo. I saw plenty of roadkill Armadillos - several c
West Virginia
In August 2019 I spent a night in West Virginia looking for Appalachian Cottontails.
I have had lunch in Delaware but I didn’t see any mammals.
I visited Oklahoma for a few hours in May 2018 and went to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
I first visited Minnesota in February 2017 for a weekend, and was successful in my quest to see a Canada Lynx.
In August 2010 I visited Bryce National Park, primarily to see Utah Pratrie Dogs. They were easy to spot. There is a Prairie Dog town a mile or two after the entrance gate, and it
Rhode Island
In early May 2016 I was sent a picture of a Rhode Island rodent, which turned out to be a Southern Bog Lemming. A species I hadn't seen: apparently, there were heaps of them runnin