European Souslik


I visited Slovakia in 2008 for work but am pretty sure I didn’t see any mammals.

Community Reports

Slovakia & a little bit of Vienna, 2024: Andreas Jonsson, 1 week & 12 species including Particoloured Bat, Alpine (Tatra) Chamois and European Hamster.

Western Tatras, 2021: Ralf Bürglin, 3 days including Tatra Chamois, Water Shrew and Harvest Mouse.

High Tatras, Slovakia, 2018: Ralf Bürglin, 2 days & 6 species including Tatra Chamois and a Wolf.

Hungary and Slovakia, 2017: Steve Morgan, 9 days & 30 species including European HamsterForest DormouseWestern Barbastelle and a Parti-coloured Bat.

Slovakia, 2017: Matt and Maureen Steer, 3 days & 3 species – Red Deer, European Badger and European Souslik.

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1 Comment

  • benbalmford

    I just got back from Interrailing around central Europe – including a stop in Slovakia. We stayed at Tatranska Lomnica, above which there is a ridge which you can see from Skalnate Pleso (a 3h walk, there are cable cars but they book up early, often a day in advance, and they seemed too expensive to be worth it) which is a reliable spot for Chamois. However, the national park guide who is stationed there to point them out to tourists explained it was too hot (24+) for them in the week we were there. We also took a day trip to Spis Castle – can confirm well worth it for the ruins alone. Souslik were pretty easy – in the Lower Bailey there is a circular ruin with a moat around – most of the borrows were in that area.

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