Albania Blue Eye


Mount Tomorr

I spent a couple of nights in Albania in April 2019 on a road trip with my daughter. I was not allowed to spend a lot of time looking for mammals – if you have met Katy you would understand – but I did set some traps both nights.


Mount Tomorr

There was still snow about 1500 metres up Mount Tomorr so I couldn’t get drive enough to try to catch Snow Voles or Pine Voles, both of which have been recorded above the tree line.  I did catch some Wood Mice.

Wood Mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus


The Blue Eye

The Blue Eye is a well known tourist spot about half an hour’s drive from Gjirokaster. The information board said the caves around it are home to Albania’s only known colony of Bechstein’s Bats. I don’t know anything more than that.

Community Reports

Community Reports

Balkans, 2019: Jon Hall’s brief report on a few species including Macedonian Mouse, with information on the Balkan Lynx.

Also See

Small bat identification question, July 2024

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