Cetaceans mammal list rankings

Where to see the World’s Cetaceans

Adam Walleyn wrote this useful post back in January 2022, which generated more information in the comments. I’m updating it to include some of that information and some additional information from me. I have linked to some of my trip reports that cover some of the harder to see species. If anyone has more information then please do follow up as a comment to this post for the benefit of others and I will update it again.

Remember that you can add your cetacean lifelists to the mammalwatching league table.

Let’s go whalewatch!
Cover image: Fraser’s Dolphins, Timor Leste 2010. Jon Hall

NWP = Northwest Passage

NAO = North Atlantic Odyssey

BDU = Birding Down Under

AO = Atlantic Odyssey

WPO = West Pacific Odyssey

RFE = Russian Far East

RWPIC = Remote West Pacific Islands Cruise

Bowhead Whale – NWP, NAO, Wrangel Island trip, land based Shantar Islands, Floe Edge mid/late June (Adam). In the sea ice off of NW Svalbard (Jon). Fairly easy in the Disco Bay area in Greenland during the winter months (Morten Kure Kattenhøj)

Southern Right Whale –  in the Austral winter off of Warnambool, Australia with good numbers below the cliffs of the Great Australian Bight. Also easy to see close to shore in South Africa near Capetown (eg Hermanus, De Hoop, West Coast National Park) and Peninsula Valdez in Argentina (Jon)

North Atlantic Right Whale – land based Cape Cod mid March to mid May (Adam); Nova Scotia and (rarely) off of New York (Jon)

North Pacific Right Whale – slim chance southern part of RFE June and July (Ring of Fire, Siberia’s Forgotten Coast with HE). I’ve only seen it once in northern Kurils (Adam)

Common Minke Whale – common off of Svalbard, Scotland, New England etc (Jon). Northern shore of Gulf of St. Lawrence (Vladimir Dinets).

The Dwarf Minke Whale subspecies is rare in subantarctic waters and even Antarctic peninsula sometimes; widespread in tropical waters but generally hard to see/identify there (Adam).  Not uncommon offshore over the Great Barrier Reef where liveaboard dive trips seem them regularly (Jon)

Antarctic Minke Whale – common any Antarctic trip

Sei Whale – many places but entrance to Beagle Channel most reliable I know (Adam). Occasionally off of Cape Ann (Massachusetts) early in the season (May) and also regular off of the Azores in the summer (Jon)

Bryde’s Whale – the Sea of Cortez is good, so is Plettenburg Bay in South Africa and the Azores in the summer (Jon). False Bay in South Africa (Paul Carter),

Eden’s Whale – reliable on whalewatching trips out of Bangkok and apparently on whalewatching trips out of Tosa Bay, Shikoku Japan (Jon)

Blue Whale –  Off Monterey and San Francisco in the summer, the Azores in April, with the pygmy subspecies visible (distantly)  from land along Australia’s Great Ocean Road in April (Jon). Blue Whale is regularly seen on whale watching trips in Husavik (Iceland) in summer (Morten Kure Kattenhøj)

Omura’s Whale – Raja Ampat, eastern Indonesia (Adam) and Nosy Be Madagascar (Jon)

Fin Whale – common off of New England, California, Svalbard and in the Bay of Biscay (Jon). Common off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar)

Rice’s Whale – there are only about 50 animals primarily over the De Soto Canyon off the Florida Panhandle, though I I don’t know how you could get out there (Jon)

Gray Whale – common off of West Coast USA and BC in the northern winter. Some remain resident year round off of Tofino on Vancouver Island (Jon). Off the Chukotka Coast, Russia (Gary Wilson).

Humpback Whale – very common around Australia, the USA and many other places (Jon)

Pygmy Right Whale – subantarctic convergence – very slim chance on BDU and AO. I’ve only seen it once a couple hundred miles north of South Georgia (Adam).

Eastern Long-beaked Common Dolphin – Channel Islands and Monterey, California

Short-beaked Common Dolphin – common in many areas

Fraser’s Dolphin – Solomons and eastern Indonesia (WPO, RWPIC) (Adam). Timor Leste (Jon)

Tucuxi – common on Amazon, Ucayali and Maranon rivers in Amazonian Peru, e.g. around Iquitos (Michael Kessler).

Guiana Dolphin – reliable in Brazil from the end of the pier in Ilheus and around Superagui Island (Jon). Boat trips from Manzanillo, NE Costa Rica (Michael Kessler).

Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin – dolphinwatching trips out of Hong Kong harbour (Jon)

Indian Humpbacked Dolphin – from land De Hoop SA (Adam). Plettenburg Bay South Africa (Jon).

Australian Humpbacked Dolphin – Queensland e.g. Gladstone (Jon).

Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin – Arguin Bank Mauritania (Adam). Reported from Senegal and occasionally Western Sahara though seems very rare now there (Jon)

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin – I’ve seen pods off of the Pacific Coasts of Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama, close to Sydney and Hqwaii (Jon).

Atlantic Spotted Dolphin –  Canary Islands (Adam). Abundant in the Azores and fairly regular on Cape Hatteras pelagic trips out of North Carolina (Jon). Tours in the Bahamas (Vladimir Dinets).

Clymene Dolphin – open ocean south or north of Ascension (AO) (Adam)

Striped Dolphin – widespread but spotty; volcanic islands south of Japan most regular spot I know (WPO) (Adam). Common in Bay of Biscay, regular off of the Azores and also seen sometimes on offshore pelagic trips out of New York City (Jon). Very common off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar). Aeolian Islands ferries in Italy and Gibraltar area whalewatching tours (Vladimir Dinets)

Spinner Dolphin – Waigeo Island (West Papua), Bohol (Philippines), Hawaii and from dive boats in the Coral and Red Sea (Jon). Ferries between the Virgin Islands, particularly to St. Thomas. Sri Lanka, (Vladimir Dinets)

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin – common off of Waigeo Island (West Papua), Australia, Madagascar, South Africa etc. (Jon)

Common Bottlenose Dolphin – easy to see in many areas including the Azores, Baja California, the Outer Banks (North Carolina), Moray Firth (Scotland), Florida, Mexico, Belize etc. (Jon). Common off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar)

Tamanend’s Bottlenose Dolphin – offshore from New York City on 24 hour pelagic trips (Jon)

Pygmy Killer Whale – I have seen off of Sydney once, and believe they are regular off of Oahu Hawaii though I made no attempt to look for them (Jon). Solomon Islands (WPO), Humboldt current good too (Adam)

Short-finned Pilot Whale – regular off of the Azores in summer and Timor Leste (Jon)

Long-finned Pilot Whale – pelagic trips out of New York City and the Bay of Biscay (Jon). Regular off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar) Cape Breton Quebec and Cape Cod Massachusetts. Whalewatching tours and ferries around Honshu Japan (Vladimir Dinets)

Risso’s Dolphin – widespread but easy to see in the Azores and common off of Monterey, California (Jon). Regular off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar)

Irawaddy Dolphin – Mekong River in Cambodia (Adam) and sometimes on Eden’s Whale watching trips out of Bangkok (Jon). Chilika Lake, Odisha India (Vladimir Dinets)

Australian Snubfin – Daily from the Broome Bird Observatory in Australia (Jon)

Melon-headed Whale – Waigeo Island (West Papua) and Timor Leste (Jon). Solomon Islands, eastern Indo, volcanic islands south of Japan (WPO, RWPIC) (Adam)

False Killer Whale – widespread but can be hard to predict. They are fairly regular off of the Azores though I missed them.  I have seen them off of Coiba Island (Panama), Merrimbula (New South Wales) and in the Bay of Biscay (Jon)

Rough-toothed Dolphin – uncommon out of Oahu Hawaii (Jon). Widespread but uncommon in tropics Ascension Island reliable (AO) (Adam)

Atlantic White-sided Dolphin – whalewatching trips out of Bar Harbor, Maine (Jon). Off Maritimes and New England (Adam.) Common around Isla Buenaventura in Quebec in summer (Vladimir Dinets)

White-beaked Dolphin – Off of Iceland, Nova Scotia and the north of Scotland (Jon). NAO (Adam)

Resident Killer Whale – Victoria, Vancouver Island and Seattle (Jon)

Common Killer Whale – the Lofoten Islands, Norway and South East Australia. Dedicated Orca trips operate out of Bremmer Bay in Western Australia (Jon)

Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whale – regular off of Monterey California (Jon)

Commerson’s Dolphin – reliable in the Straits of Magellan in Chilean Patagonia (Jon). Falklands (Adam). Viewing tours from San Julian, Argentina (Vladimir Dinets)

Chilean Dolphin – southern Chilean fiords (Adam). Chiloe Island (Jon)

Heaviside’s Dolphin – South Africa: West Coast NP (Adam). North and South of West Coast NP eg  Yzerfontein (Jon). Lambert’s Bay (Vladimir Dinets). Cape Town where it was straightforward to see Heaviside’s dolphin either from shore walking along the beach (Mouille Point) or a half-day boat trip from the waterfront (John Morrison). Walvis Bay, Namibia (Michael Kessler)

Hector’s Dolphin – Banks Peninsula (eg Akaroa), New Zealand (Jon)

Northern Right Whale Dolphin – Monterey and pelagic trips out of North California and Oregon (Jon). Tomakomai Ferry in Japan (Vladimir Dinets).

Southern Right Whale Dolphin – subantarctic convergence: Chatham Rise, north of South Georgia (BDU, AO) (Adam). Reported on pelagic trips out of Chile and Peru as well as occasionally in the Austral winter in Kaikoura New Zealand or south of Tasmania (Jon)

Peale’s Dolphin – Chiloe Island, Chile (Jon). Falklands (Adam).

Hourglass Dolphin – Antarctic convergence (Adam)

Pacific White-sided Dolphin – common on trips out of Monterey California (Jon). West coast USA/Canada (Adam). Many ferries in Japan eg to Sado Island (Vladimir Dinets)

Dusky Dolphin – New Zealand (e.g Kaikoura), South Africa, etc (Adam). Cape Town – Robben Island Ferry (John Morrison).

Beluga – easy from the shore near Tadouassac and the Ferry to Rivier de Loupe in Quebec and often in front of glaciers in Svalbard (Jon). We had excellent views in the channel going into Meinypil’gyno, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russia (Gary Wilson).July-August at the ferry pier near Anadyr Airport, Chukotka (Vladimir Dinets).

Narwhal – Baffin Island (Jon). Floe Edge, NWP (Adam).

Yangtze Finless Porpoise – Nanjing China (Jon).

Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise – ??? Hong Kong

East Asian Finless Porpoise – under the Namhae Grand Bridge South Korea (Jon).

Spectacled Porpoise – slim chance near Antarctic convergence – have seen once in Scotia Sea and once in Drake Passage (Adam)

Harbor Porpoise – San Francisco Bay, Monterey, New England and the Isle of Mull, Scotland (Jon)

Vaquita – a handful cling on off of San Felipe in Baja California Norte (Jon)

Burmeister’s Porpoise – Humboldt current coastal areas of northern Chile and southern Peru (Adam). Can be spotted from the beach just beyond the surf break in Arica Chile (Jon)

Dall’s Porpoise – Monterey, California and Hokkaido (Jon)

Araguaian Boto – ???

Bolivian Boto – easy on boat tours out of Riberalta, you can even swim with them (Michael Kessler)

Amazon River Dolphin – common in parts of the Amazon eg around Manaus and Tapiche (Peru) (Jon)

Orinoco River DolphinSan Jose Del Guaviare, Colombia (Jon)

Franciscana – Ilha Comprida (Adam) and and from land south of Buenos Aries (Jon)

Baiji – presumed extinct, Yangtze River (Jon)

Pygmy Sperm Whale – seen just a handful of times in deep trenches in Solomons Islands. Seems much rarer than sima (WPO) (Adam). Lajes do Pico in the Azores can be good for this species – we saw several in August but you need exceptional weather (Jon)

Dwarf Sperm Whale – tropical water deep drop-offs not uncommon, Solomon Islands best place (WPO, AO) (Adam). La Ventana in Baja California South (Mexico) during the less windy months is excellent. (Jon)

Sperm Whale – resident and easy to see off the Azores. Norway’s Lofoten Islands are also good as is Kaikoura New Zealand. Sometimes off SE Australia (Jon). Common off of Provence (France) on all day whalewatching trips June to September (Jean-Michel Bompar). Saint Lucia (Vladimir Dinets).

Ganges River Dolphin –  Chambal  (near Agra) & Kaziranga National Park (Jon)

Indus River Dolphin – Harike Punjab (Adam)

Arnoux’s Beaked Whale – Ross Sea regular north of McMurdo ice edge (Adam)

Baird’s Beaked Whale – Commander Islands – SWside of Bering Island usually reliable (Adam). A few seen each year from Monterey. Hokkaido also reportedly good (Jon)

Least (Sato’s) Beaked Whale – Kuril Islands (Adam) and Hokkaido (Jon)

Northern Bottlenose Whale – Jan Mayen (NAO) (Adam). Bay of Biscay (Jon)

Southern Bottlenose Whale –Drake Passage and Scotia Sea, south of New Zealand (Adam)

Longman’s (Tropical) Bottlenose Whale – deep drop offs New Caledonia and Solomon Islands (WPO) (Adam)

Sowerby’s Beaked Whale – Pico Island in the Azores in the summer and occasionally on summer offshore pelagic trips 1out of New York City over the Hudson Canyon (Jon).The Gully off of Nova Scotia (Sable Island trip with Adventure Canada) (Adam)

Andrew’s Beaked Whale – seen a male once in the Bounty Trench (BDU) (Adam)

Hubb’s Beaked Whale – seen pod containing males once on shelf off Honshu (Adam)

Blainville’s Beaked Whale – most common warm water mesoplodont (WPO) (Adam). The Bahamas seems to be a hotspot and Hawaii can also be good (Jon)

Ramari’s Beaked Whale – ???

Gervais’ Beaked Whale – Brian Patteson’s Hatteras trips, North Carolina (Adam). Occasionally off the Azores (Jon).

Gingko-toothed Beaked Whale – seen male at Torishima once but we suspect its pretty common there (WPO) (Adam). First ever DNA confirmed sighting was 100 miles off of San Diego in 2024 (Jon)

Gray’s Beaked Whale – common on Chatham Rise (BDU), sometimes in Scotia Sea (Adam)

Hector’s Beaked Whale – ???

Deraniyagala’s Beaked Whale –reported from South China Sea around Xisa and Zhongsha  Islands (Jon)

Strap-toothed Beaked Whale – regular in Scotia Sea, Drake Passage, south of NZ

True’s Beaked Whale – ???

Perrin’s Beaked Whale – ???

Pygmy Beaked Whale – Reported from Southern Baja, Sea of Cortez in the summer (Jon)

Stejneger’s Beaked Whale – Bering Sea crossing from Kamchatka to Commander Islands (Adam)

Spade-toothed Beaked Whale – ???

Shepherd’s Beaked Whale – occasional Tristan da Cunha, Chathams Islands i.e. near islands along subantarctic convergence (AO, BDU) (Adam)

Cuvier’s Beaked Whale – regular in any deep tropical waters – WPO, AO, etc. (Adam). The Azores and Bay of Biscay are good (Jon)

A Marine Mammal Enthusiasts Quick Guide to Ship-Based Expeditions, Adam Walleyn

These are my impressions of marine mammals possible on the various ship-based expeditions I’ve guided around the world.  The emphasis on these notes is for the more uncommon species and just based solely on my impressions of doing these trips, normally several to many times.  Every trip is different.  Its also worth noting that unless specifically mentioned these trips are not dedicated marine mammal watching trips and so don’t expect deviations in itinerary to search for these species or even for the boat to change its course if these species are encountered.

Southern Ocean

Antarctic Peninsula trips – A well known and well traveled route.  Beagle Channel at start and end of trip excellent for Sei Whale (especially near channel entrance), very slim chance of Burmeister’s Porpoise.  Crossing to Falklands reliable for bow-riding Peales Dolphin.  Falkland Islands almost sure bet for Peale’s and Commerson’s Dolphin, also chance for Right and Sei Whale.  Crossing to South Georgia can be phenomenal for numbers and variety including Blue and amazing numbers of Fin.  Strap-toothed Whale is regular on this crossing and Gray’s Beaked Whale occasional.  Very slim chance of Spectacled Porpoise.  South Georgia good for Blue and Right Whale and incredible numbers of Antarctic Fur Seal and Southern Elephant Seal.  Crossing to peninsula also can have amazing concentrations of large whales especially Fin with chance of Blue.  Hourglass Dolphin is reliable on this crossing as is  Southern Bottlenose Whale (usually multiple sightings); Strap-toothed Whale is also regular on this crossing.  Peninsula usually produces Orca, Humpback and Antarctic Minke, rarely Dwarf Minke which can be playful with boats and rarely Arnoux’s Beaked Whale in South Shetlands.  Wedell, Crabeater and Leopard Seals all expected.  Drake Passage good for Southern Bottlenose Whale and sometimes Type D Orca.

Ross Sea trips – a long trip south from New Zealand.  A huge diversity of cetaceans occur along the way but it is often rather quiet.  Southern Bottlenose Whale and Hourglass Dolphin good bets and Strap-toothed Whale fairly regular as well.  Blue and Right Whale possible.  The subantarctic islands south of New Zealand have large numbers of Hooker’s Sea Lion.  There usually isn’t much pack ice at north end of Ross Sea but when there is Ross’ Seal can be common.  The fast ice edge down at the bottom of the Ross Sea seems reliable for Arnoux’s Beaked Whale.  Type C Orca is very common in Ross Sea.

East Antarctica – most years Heritage Expeditions run a trip from NZ to East Antarctica.  Apart from the usual southern ocean stuff this trip usually encounters quite a bit of pack ice which normally has Ross’s Seal on it.

South Indian Ocean – ships rarely venture to the subantarctic islands of the Indian Ocean sector (French and South African authorities have made it almost impossible to land on their islands) – the one time I headed down this way for a long trip I didn’t see anything but the usual southern ocean species.

Eastern New Zealand subantarctics – most of these islands subs are readily visited on any Antarctic  trip from NZ, but only occasional trips are made out to the eastern islands of Bounty, Antipodes and Chatham and these are the most interesting from a cetacean perspective.  I’ve had a very close encounter with male Andrew’s Beaked Whale in the Bounty Trough north of the Bounties.  The Antipodes often have Subantarctic Fur Seal on them.  The Chatham Islands are a very exciting area.  Based on strandings they probably have the greatest beaked whale diversity anywhere.  The Chatham Rise in particular (running between Chathams and New Zealand) is amazing.  I once saw in a single day 14 pods of Gray’s Beaked Whale totally overing 100 individual.  They are the most common beaked whale there but I have also seen Sheperd’s, Strap-toothed and Southern Bottlenose and there are surely others, though most of the rest would be tough/impossible to identify.  Chatham Rise is a regular (but not every trip) place for Southern Right Whale Dolphin and Pygmy Right Whale has been documented there but not seen by me there!


Ships running from the southern hemisphere to northern often put on repositioning cruises and these are some of the best ways to access the tropical regions for marine mammal watching.

Humboldt current – up the west coast of South America.  Chilean fiords for Chilean Dolphin.  Further north coast of Chile excellent for Blue, Fin and Sei.  Burmeister’s Porpoise in coastal areas of northern Chile and southern Peru (Arica and Callao two good areas).  Further north still off northern Peru, Ecuador and Colombia can be good for a variety of dolphins (including Striped), blackfish (including Pygmy Killer) and possibly beaked (potentially including Peruvian Beaked Whale).

Mid Atlantic Ridges/Atlantic Odyssey – Antarctica to Europe.  Can be an epic cetacean watching trip.  Starts off in Antarctica in April  when large whale feeding concentrations are at their peak and can be mindblowing.  Crossing from South Georgia to Tristan da Cunha can be very exciting:  Southern Right Whale Dolphin is regular, it is the only place I have seen Pygmy Right Whale.  Good numbers of Blue Whale sometimes and good chances for Strap-toothed and possibly other beaked whales.  The Tristan/Gough group is noteable for large numbers of Subantarctic Fur Seal and have had very friendly Sheperd’s Beaked Whale pod right off Nightingale Island.  Crossing north to St Helena tend to be very quiet.  Long crossings north to Ascension and Cape Verde generally quiet but can be very good including sometimes large pods of Clymene Dolphin, Striped Dolphin and chances for Cuvier’s and Mesoplodon beaked whales (good luck identifying them!) and Dwarf Sperm Whale.  Ascension Island is great for bow-riding Rough-toothed Dolphin plus Bottlenose Dolphins hunting flyingfish around anchored boat at night.  Trip often continues through Macaronesian Islands of Cape Verde, Canaries, Salvagems and Madeira via Arguin Bank.  Great numbers and diversity in this area including False Killer Whale, Risso’s and Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Cuvier’s and Blainville’s Beaked Whale, plus Blue, Fin and Bryde’s, megapods of Common Dolphin, etc.  I’ve seen Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin on Arguin Bank on this trip and there is a slim chance of Mediterranean Monk Seal around Madeira.

West Pacific Odyssey – New Zealand to Japan.  Another really interesting trip for tropical cetaceans.  Crossings from New Zealand to Norfolk Island and on to New Caledonia can have Striped Dolphin, False Killer Whale, Cuvier’s and Blainville’s Beaked Whale and Blue and Bryde’s.  Steep drop-offs around New Caledonia can have Tropical Bottlenose Whale and Cuvier’s and Blainville’s Beaked Whale.  The many steep drop-offs and trenches around the Solomon Islands and eastern New Guinea are in my experience the best tropical cetacean watching in the world, certainly so for diversity.  Particularly good for blackfish (Pygmy Killer, False Killer, Melon-headed and Short-finned Pilot) along with Fraser’s and Rough-toothed Dolphin, both Dwarf and even Pygmy Sperm Whale, Tropical Bottlenose Whale, Mesoplodon sp., and interesting rorquals possibly including Eden’s, Omura and Dwarf Minke.  Plus huge numbers of Spotted and Spinner.  The long crossing to Micronesia and on to southern Japan tends to be very quiet but always some interesting possibilities.  The volcanic islands south of Japan (Bonins, Torishima, etc.) are quite lively.  Mesoplodonts seem rather common here and at least some are Gingko-toothed.  Also good for Striped Dolphin, Melon-headed Whale.  On the final stages of the journey coming into Honshu we have had Hubb’s once and sometimes Baird’s Beaked Whale.

There are lots of other cruises through the tropics the most interesting for cetaceans that I’ve done are around eastern Indonesia – for me, second only to the Solomons for tropical cetacean watching.  Melon-headed Whale, Fraser’s Dolphins and Omura’s Whales are some of the more interesting species there.


Russian Far East – Carrying on north from Japan lots of really interesting trips into north Pacific.  Kuril Islands have small chances of Sato’s Beaked Whale and Pacific Right Whale plus large numbers of Orca, Dall’s Porpoise, Sperm Whale.  Sea of Okhotsk has chance for most of these species plus Beluga and Bowhead, and four species of ice seal: Ribbon (regular on pack ice in early summer), Bearded, Ringed and Largha.  Commander Islands also has slim chance of Pacific Right Whale, plus lots of large whale (Humpback, some Fin, chance of Blue), lots of Orca and regular for Baird’s Beaked Whale.  Crossing between Kamchatka and Commanders is a possibility for Stejneger’s Beaked Whale.  Heading north along Kamchatka and Chukotka peninsula very slim chance of Pacific Right Whale, plus lots of Gray Whale and Beluga, some chance of Ribbon Seal and huge Walrus haulout.  Chukchi Sea good chance for Bowhead Whale.  Northeast Passage continuing along north coast gets into Laptev Walrus country and then Franz Josef has another decent chance of Bowhead, slim chance at Narwhal.

North Atlantic Odyssey this is the continuation of the Atlantic Odyseey – Netherlands to Spitsbergen.  Starting out with White-beaked Dolphins in North Sea and then past Fair Isle and on to Jan Mayen – the latter an excellent area for Northern Bottlenose Whale.  Heading north to east Greenland pack ice which has been fairly reliable for Bowhead in recent years (sometimes in enormous numbers).  Also massive numbers of Harp Seal and usually reliable for Hooded Seal as well.  East to Svalbard for Blue Whale, Beluga, Walrus, etc.

Northwest Passage – usually runs from Greenland to western Canadian arctic, sometimes on to Alaska.  Most interesting section is eastern Canadian arctic.  Fiords and deep bays in eastern Canadian arctic usually reliable for Narwhal though views are often poor – but not always!  Lots of Harp Seals in these areas as well and sometimes Hooded Seals on pack ice.  Fiords sometimes have Belugas – shallow estuaries can have incredible rubbing concentrations.  Sometimes get into summer feeding grounds of Bowhead in Prince Regent Inlet.  Trips carrying on to Alaska get into large numbers of Bowhead in Beaufort Sea.

Post author

Jon Hall


  • mikehoit

    Great post! To throw in a few more off the top of my head:

    Common Minke Whale – add the west coast of Ireland to good spots. In most years can be seen well off eg Erris Head, County Mayo; Slea Head, County Kerry; Loop Head, County Clare

    Bryde’s Whale – Madeira is fairly reliable on boat trips during the northern summer

    Indian Humpback Dolphin – appears to still be easy off the Candolim area of Goa although it’s two decades since I was there! I’ve also seen it off Modhva Beach near Mandvi, Gujarat

    Irawaddy Dolphin – Salak/Santubong estuaries, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo); boat trips from Kuching.

    Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise – also possible in the Santubong estuary. I saw a mother and calf in 2018, but I’m not sure how reliable they are. Possibly people don’t look for them intently, they’re quite unobtrusive and it was a struggle to point them out to others.

    Harbour Porpoise – less rocky parts of the English east coast. I’ve seen them regularly either side of the Tees estuary, and particularly from Norfolk and Suffolk (though anecdotally they seem to have declined in these countries, at least.


  • vnsankar

    Great post, and so nice to have this information consolidated! A few additions/edits per my experiences in the US – mainly information on (nearly) all the species possible off CA.

    – Common Minke Whale: seems frequent off Socal ports like San Diego or Newport, less so in Norcal but I’ve seen one off Monterey (also possible from shore seawatching at Pt. Pinos)
    – Bryde’s Whale: not rare, albeit unpredictable off San Diego & Newport in summer
    – Blue Whale: very regular off Monterey, Half Moon Bay, and SF (beyond the Farallones at the continental shelf) Jul-early Oct when krill is present (not every year) & off San Diego Jun-Aug (perhaps most reliable?)
    – Fin Whale: I wouldn’t call this common off Monterey, but they are regular (maybe 50% chance) on the longer 10-12h trips that get into deeper waters off Monterey & Half Moon Bay. Depends on the year. I think they may be more frequent off Socal.
    – Gray Whale: reliable on winter trips from Monterey & Socal (mostly Jan-Mar). Perhaps even more easily seen from shore e.g. Trinidad (some are here well into June), Mendocino, Pt. Reyes lighthouse, Ano Nuevo, etc.
    – Humpbacks: basically guaranteed off the central coast ports (e.g. Monterey), but seen less in winter.
    – E Long-beaked Common Dolphin: abundant Channel Islands, Newport & San Diego. Can be very frequent off Monterey in El Nino years when lots of warm water is present (the last big irruption of them here was 2012-15) but generally not common at all.
    – Short-beaked Common Dolphin: regular off the Socal ports, often in huge mixed herds with LBCD. Uncommon further N, when occasionally seen in the warm, clear blue-green offshore waters on the longer pelagic trips.
    – Common Bottlenose Dolphin: commonly seen from shore (esp. off sandy beaches) e.g. Santa Cruz (Aptos), Monterey (Sand City) and many beach towns in Socal.
    – Short-finned Pilot Whale: occasional off San Diego & around Catalina Island
    – Risso’s Dolphin: very frequent off Monterey, regular at other ports too
    – False Killer Whale: rare, but can be seen (maybe yearly?) off San Diego & Newport in March
    – Transient Killer Whale: Monterey very frequently in Apr-May (esp. on 8h Killer Whale-focused trips run by Monterey Bay Whale Watch), with a smaller peak in Sep
    – N Right Whale Dolphin: only seen when cold water is around; regular albeit unpredictable off Monterey. 10-12h pelagics off the northern ports like Half Moon Bay, Bodega Bay & Ft. Bragg may be better. Usually mixed in with Pacific White-sided Dolphin in big herds, so scan them carefully for this species!
    – Pacific White-sided Dolphin: common Monterey & ports further N, esp. when cold water is around
    – Harbor Porpoise: from shore at Chimney Rock (Pt. Reyes) and off the viewpoint at the N end of the Golden Gate bridge (in the SF bay). Regular off Monterey but easily overlooked.
    – Dall’s Porpoise: pretty uncommon & not likely to be seen off Monterey these days (vs. 20 years ago, when they were abundant), but still frequent off the northern ports like Bodega & Ft. Bragg
    – Sperm Whale: rare but best chances in deep waters surrounding the Channel Islands
    – Baird’s Beaked Whale: seen most years in Sep on 10-12h deep-water birding pelagics off Monterey (maybe on average 1 in 4 trips?); there is a smaller sighting peak in May in several years, but the offshore trips don’t run in that season so harder to target
    – Mesoplodons: a few reports (never ID’d to species) over the years on deep-water birding pelagics off Bodega Bay, Monterey & surrounding the Channel Islands. Difficult to see without glassy-calm seas (which we get very rarely here) and probably not identifiable to species at sea until we know more about the species involved off CA – Stejneger’s (mostly N from Monterey), Hubbs’s (statewide?), Perrin’s (S from Monterey) & Ginkgo-toothed (Socal) have been confirmed as strandings.
    – Goose-beaked Whale (Ziphius/Cuvier’s BW): rarely seen off Monterey & around the Channel Islands. Presumably the best chances would be on the long 10-12h birding pelagics in either area.

    Gloucester (Massachusetts): in addition to what’s mentioned in the notes, Atlantic White-sided Dolphins are pretty regular early in the season (May), and those trips sometimes get onto N Atlantic Right Whales too which may give better views than land-based watching (at least without a scope), though they can’t approach them. Fin Whales are frequent throughout the season.

  • William Henri Lewis

    This is great information, Jon! Thanks for compiling it. I have seen Dall’s Porpoise on boats in Kenai Fjords NP that leave from Seward, Alaska, where I believe they are fairly regular. They also regularly have Common Killer Whales, a colony of Steller’s Sea Lion, and sometimes Mountain Goats spotted on the cliff faces. Some larger whales, such as Humpbacks, Gray, Fin, and Minke are also regular, and Belugas are sometimes visible on the road from Anchorage to Seward.

    I’ve also seen Short-beaked Common Dolphins in the Galapagos, where Common Bottlenose are the most common species. A few distant humpbacks there too; I’m sure there’s more interesting species findable out of there but cetaceans are not the main targets of most visitors.

    I saw Northern Right Whale Dolphins off Monterey in late march of a full-day trip, and they had spotted them on the days around me as well, including on shorter trips. We also go Pacific White-sided, Grays & Humpbacks, and plenty of California Sea Lions and Sea Otters too. No Risso’s that day but they are very common.

    On a few trips out and back from the Channel Islands, and well as ferrying between them in March/April of this year, I saw plenty of Humpbacks, plus one group of what were Short-beaked Common Dolphins. Also saw one great whale which the captain didn’t notice, which was a little late in the season to see. Another member of my group found what seemed like a Harbor Porpoise from shore on Santa Rosa Island, and there were plenty of California Sea Lions and Harbor Seals along the way.

  • Andreas Jonsson

    Need to higlight Iceland which is hardly mentioned here.
    After all it´s one of the worlds most accesible whalewatching.

    More or less guaranteed to see:
    Humpback whale
    Sperm whale
    Harbor porpoise
    Common minke whale
    White-beaked dolphin

    Depending on where on Iceland you do it and of course at what time.

    • Lars Michael Nielsen

      You just beat me in highlighting Iceland Andreas. Add the possibillity of Fin whale, and this year there have been quite a lot of Blue whale sightings from both Husavik and Olafsvik. At least one sighting was of two individuals.

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