West Papua November 2023
In November I was in West Papua for 3 weeks, including some very little visited locations and some made quite famous by others on this site. Whilst I was always on the look out for mammals, birds were, of course, more prominent and do predominantly feature in the report, so I apologise in advance to any purists! It also features a very interesting set of photos of a black forest wallaby from the Wondiwoi mountains from a previous hunt by the villagers, I cannot find an ID that fits any species known from this range, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Remote West Papua 2023
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Jonatan den Haan
Amazing good quality report! Lovely read! Please keep us updated on the Dorcopsis wallaby, very curious what comes of this and makes me even more eager to go to Papua new Guinea. I do not (yet) own a PNG field guide, but could it be some record in the field guide is incomplete? Have you looked into extinct species yet?
Again, lovely report and wonderful trip!