Trip Reports – Sichuan Mammals Tours – Royle Safaris – March-April & May 2024

This is a joint species list for the two Royle Safaris trips to Sichuan that we ran in spring (panda breeding season) in 2024. Tomer has published a more in depth report from the second of these trips (May 2024) and this is a quick summary of the species seen across both trips.

Across these two trips we visited our panda location as well as Labahe, Tangjiahe, Rouergai and Pingwu and found 47 species of mammals, over 150 species of birds and a handful of herps. Highlights included 4 giant pandas, several Chinese red pandas, Asiatic black bear, Chinese mountain cat, Himalayan wolf, 4 species of pika and Golden snub-nosed monkey.

At present we have sold out all 5 of our trips for spring 2025, we may have room for a private tour – but availability is very limited now, but for 2026 we are looking good. So if anyone is interested please let us know and we can look at securing dates and discussing things for you.

Trip Reports – Sichuan Mammals Tour – Royle Safaris – March-April & May 2024

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