The Weekly Recap

Hello and welcome back to the (more or less) weekly recap! This recap will be of posts from Boxing Day up until January 5th:)

The first trip report of the week was Janco van Gelderen & Jillis Roos’ search for Caracal in South Africa. They were successful, and saw many other species such as Tsessebe, Large Spotted Genet and Side-striped Jackal. 

Next up is this report of a Royle Safaris trip to West Papua! They saw all of their major targets such as the Western Long-beaked Echdina, the Long-fingered Triok and Ursine Tree Kangaroo. 

This trip report from Bali and Timor-Leste by Lennart Verheuvel is full of magical photos and an incredible account of diving with a Blue Whale! I am very jealous. He saw other great species such as Dugong, False Killer Whales and Horsfield’s Treeshrew. 

Next up we have Jonas Livet’s report from seeing Yangtze Finless Porpoises in China. The report includes lots of information about the porpoise and its conservation as well as some gorgeous illustrations by Rūta Vaicekauskaitė (it is worth reading just for those in my opinion!).  

This trip to India was a private tour led by Saurabh Sawant from Vana Safaris Pvt Ltd. Focusing on small cats, they saw all their targets (such as Leopard Cat, Fishing Cat, and Rusty Cat) and also some other cool species. 

The next installment of Rob and Romy’s It’s A Wild Life! series is here, this time from Vietnam. They saw all sorts, like the Indochinese Ground Squirrel, Pygmy Slow Loris and Red-shanked Douc Langur.   

Next is Mac Hunter and his wife’s trip to Colombia in search of the elusive Pacarana. Unfortunately it remained as such, but they did see some other great species in its place such as Central American Agouti, Mountain Tapir and Colombian Howler Monkeys. 

A Northern Oncilla that has been seen regularly at the Mirador El Roble birdwatching homestay in Colombia is still around, so now is a better time than ever if you want to see this species!

This post about whether mammalwatchers need a new, more witty name is fun, but unfortunately some commenters have already realised that “furries” might not be the best option… My evil plans foiled yet again! I suppose Beastie Boys will have to be my alternative suggestion. 

Alicia Page will be travelling to Northeast India in April and would love some advice here (such as where to go and who are some good guides). M. Herold, travelling to Kenya, is asking for tips on how to see Hirola and Joost K, going to Northern Tanzania is asking for guide recommendations. 

Martin Walsh is looking for some ideas on new places to travel that have plenty of freedom when it comes to mammalwatching.

This cool video of an Asian House Shrew sniffing out some food pellets is quite entertaining to watch and see it rather blindly darting around. For some strange reason it made me think of my dad when pie is in the vicinity. No clue why! 

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Thanks for reading:)


Cover photo: The God of the Sea – Lennart Verheuvel

Post author

Katy Hall

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