The Weekly Recap
Hello and welcome back to the weekly recap!
The first trip report of the week was this short trip to Holland last summer with some great sightings such as the European Pine Marten, European Polecat or Wood Mouse.
Next up is a video report from Borneo, 2017 – Bornean Orangutan, Sunda Pig-tailed Macaque, Philippine Slow Loris and many more.
The next trip was this one to Mexico, my dad’s hunt for the Tehuantepec Jackrabbit. It was very successful with not only this target species but many Mexican Black Agouti, Dobson’s Lesser Moustached Bats and Peter’s Climbing Rats. My dad had texted me that he’d be out of contact for a while due to no reception, but it somehow didn’t stop him from sending me his Wordle score the next day… I guess wifi is never hard to find if bragging rights are at stake. Nor did it stop Juan Cruzado from being replaced by an ai generated model when one of his Facebook posts was rewritten into a political feud stirrer on “Chiapas Sin Censura”.
Next is a 20 primate trip to Colombia! Ecuadorian Squirrel Monkey, Miller’s Saki, Ornate Titi… check out the post for the full list.
Royle Safaris saw 42 species on this impressive trip to Sumatra and Java with things like Javan Slow Loris and Javan Small-toothed Palm Civet.
Finally, a week’s trip to Sri Lanka in February produced 15 mammal species such as Sambar Deer and Risso’s Dolphin as well as many colourful photos.
There is a trip running this September to see habituated Bonobos in Lomako Reserve, DRC with 4 spaces left! It sounds like an exciting adventure so definitely check it out if you’re interested.
Someone planning a trip to Sumatra this summer is looking for advice on good places to stay, specifically in Way Kambas NP, so let them know if you have any tips:)
Finally, check out this post for a beautiful Himalayan Goral seen near Tachog Monastery in Bhutan.
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Thanks for reading:)
Cover photo: Jon Hall – Olive Ridley Turtle – capsized..?
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