The Weekly Recap

Hello everyone, here is this week’s recap! 

To kick things off with the trip reports as usual, I really loved this one of a first trip to Alaska. It’s full of adorable pictures of baby mammals, from a long-legged moose calf to bear cubs. I showed my friend the picture of the adorable Grizzly Bear cub, and she said “Bro’s got scoliosis”, so take that as you will… 

This report from Eaglesnest, India features many species of squirrel, a beautiful Leopard Cat and two very angry Gaurs. 

This report of Brown Bears in Spain is very interesting, if rather reminiscent of Greek mythology: it tells the epic story of a male Brown Bear trying to kill a female’s cub, and does not have a very happy ending 🙁 The report includes many other, more peaceful sightings of the bears though, and beautiful, sunlit, dreamlike photos. 

A very fruitful Royle Safaris trip to Bolivia can be read about here: 45 species of mammals (5 cats!) including the endangered Chacoan Peccary (something I had never heard of until now, and looks permanently sad about being described as pig-like) and a Kinkajou. 

Lastly, this report from Northern Pantanal, Brazil includes some very cute Giant Otters and great primate pictures. 

If you know about where best to see ibex in Italy (Dolomites or Gran Paradiso), there’s a question about it here. And finally, if you know which Kenyan parks are best to see Rock and Bush Hyrax, please share! 

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Thanks for reading:) 


Post author

Katy Hall

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