The Weekly Recap

Hello, welcome back to the weekly recap!

There’s only been one trip report this week – this one from India, a continuation of one man’s quest to see all the wild cats of the world. Seeing as it features 40 mammals including many wild cats (like a Rusty Spotted Cat and a Desert Cat) I’d say he was pretty successful! 

There’s also this post about the split of the Gray Wolf into two separate species, and whether or not that split is valid seeing as skull size was used as the main indicator. So check it out if you have any thoughts on the matter. Who knew that skull size and its ramifications could be so controversial… Oh wait. 

The Lonely Hearts Club is back with its newest prey: someone looking for 1-3 people to join them on a trip to Sri Lanka. Despite it being organised by a birding company (shock horror), it’s aiming for all 4 cat species (the Fishing Cat for example), primates and more. Check out this post if you’re interested! 

And finally, if you’re looking for a last minute mammal trip to join, Royle Safaris are going to Gabon this July. They have also added on a pre-tour extension to Ivindo National Park, so check it out if you want to spend your summer surrounded by other people with a concerning obsession with mammaries. 

My dad (Jon Hall) is currently in Western Papua, and has just reported back with a Western Long-beaked Echidna added to his list! Apparently it’s a “mega mega rarity” so I’m guessing this isn’t something he’s echidding about… 

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Thanks for reading:) 


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Katy Hall

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