Swamp Rabbit Sylvilagus aquaticus

The 2024 N.U.T.T.E.R. Award Winners

The polls have closed. The votes have been counted. And the winners are ….

Actually before I get into that – and  for those who are new to the site – the NUTTER Awards are the annual mammalwatching awards for the most  Notable, Unique, Tantalizing, Tenacious and Enlightening Reports: The N.U.T.T.E.R Awards aka The Mammalwatching Hall of Fame.

As the community grows then so does the competition and I hope nominees are proud to be on the list: there really were a lot of great reports and first reports, guides, moments and conservation stories to choose from. And the competition was close: only a handful of votes separated some of the winners from the rest.

A big thanks to the 300 people who voted this year and to the team at Project Felis – especially Ruben and Valentin – for their help organising all this, along with those who helped shortlist the reports. And thank you to everyone who nominated reports in the first place.

Here are the winners. Congratulations to you all. Your entry into the mammalwatching Valhalla is now guaranteed (I was about to write ‘fast-tracked’ but let’s hope not!).

Best Trip Report

WINNER: Alexander Meyer – Madagascar
An incredible amount of species and some nice pictures
RUNNER UP: Remi Pichard – Ethiopia
Three trips with outstanding pictures and a lot of useful information
Other Nominations
Klaas Jan Arkema, Willem Wind, Tim de Boer & Jillis Roos – Western Sahara   
Very useful report, with some innovative maps showing sightings and habitats.
Valentin Moser, Ruben Vernieuwe, Inge Heremans, Saul Dewulf, Daan Dekeukeleire – Svalbard    
Well written and entertaining report with lots of information.  
Ian Thompson – India 
Another very readable report covering a ton of information from a massive trip.  
Rob and Romy Jansen – Vietnam     
Another excellent report from the Jansens with great pictures and a lot of useful information for those wanting to plan their own trip.

Outstanding Guide

WINNER: Harriet Kemigisha (Uganda)
For changing the mammalwatching game in Uganda and finding a the first fairly reliable spot for African Golden Cat
RUNNER UP: Zarek Cockar (Kenya)
For some superb guiding as well as running the East African Mammalwatching group on Facebook
Other Nominations
Carlos Bocos (South-East Asia, worldwide)
For accessing new areas and species to mammalwatching, eg Western Long-beaked Echidna, and applying his pro-league birding skills to finding mammals
Mike Gordon (Borneo)
Simply the Greatest Spoltlighter Of All Time!
Patrick Richard (Madagascar)
A new guide who is doing great things in Madagascar and has an incredible network of friends there

Best and Worst Mammalwatching Moment

WINNER: Jon Hall – Mexico
Although not that great of a sighting (let’s be fair), seeing the rarest cetacean on the planet deserves at least an honorable mention
RUNNER UP: Charles Foley & Jon Hall – Cote d’Ivoire
Looking the wrong way for the Zebra Duiker (and then the right way for a Liberian Mongoose!)
Other Nominations
Andreas Jonsson – Chile
Daytime sighting of Andean Mountain Cat at close range   
Janco van Gelderen & Jillis Roos – South Africa
Seeing a Pangolin in the Kruger on their first night drive 
Lennart Verheuvel – Timor-Leste
Snorkelling with a Blue Whale should be on everyone’s bucket list

Most Inspiring Conservation Project / Person / Place visited

WINNER: Nanjing Finless Porpoise project (reported by Jonas Livet)
A great report on this very worthwhile initiative that is saving a species
RUNNER UP: Shavez Cheema – Borneo
For his conservation work across Borneo
eg see https://www.mammalwatching.com/community-post/new-massive-borneo-nature-travel-guide-free-to-download/
Other Nominations
Ralf Bürglin – Dubai
Visiting reserves and projects on a publicity tour
Ben Altindo – West Papua
Promoting new eco-tourism areas and maybe finding a new species 
Juan Cruzado Cortes – Mexico
For services to Mexican mammals through his constant time in the field
See multiple reports featuring Juan here https://www.mammalwatching.com/gd_place/mexico/

Best First Report

WINNER: Antoine-Rabussier – Madagascar
Excellent pictures and useful information for those wanting to travel independently.
RUNNER UP: Anna Bauerová  Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina
Excellent photos and a great first report
Other Nominations
Ellen Linton – Minnesota
A young mammalwatcher convinces her birding family to go lynx watching, with a talent for telling a story
Bruno Kovács Gómez – Austria, Hungary, Greece and Italy
A young and very keen mammalwatcher (who is looking for mammals ‘even when he is asleep’ ) on a family trip: nice species and lots of details about the sites
Bennett Gardner – Sumatra
The first of many excellent trip reports

The awards will return next year so consider keeping a list of anything you read this year that might be worthy of a nomination….

We will also introduce one or two new categories for the next set of awards including best photography/videos (suggested by several people).



Jon & Team Felis

Post author

Jon Hall


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