RFI: White-thighed Surili near Kuala Lumpur?
Hello everyone,
we are heading to Borneo in April and we have a 28-hour stopover in Kuala Lumpur on our way in (landing at 7am and flying to Kota Kinabalu next day at 11.30am).
I would love to hear some suggestions and advices on where to go mammalwatching in Kuala Lumpur or in its direct vicinity.
White-thighed Surili: this species would be our major target. I have seen that it is usually seen around Fraser Hill, but iNaturalist has also numerous sightings within Kuala Lumpur itself. Any feedback where to look for this primate?
Selangor Silvered Langur: we have read about Kuala Selanagor for that second target species and we are considering trying our luck there.
Ideally, having the Selangor Silvered Langur and the White-thighed Surili in the same site (or at different sites near to each other) would be fantastic! Any idea or suggestion? Additional suggestion about other possible species to be combined are definetely very welcome!
Thanks a lot in advance,
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