RFI New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed Bat

Hello everyone,

There’s a wonderful post on this species from 2019 on this site but I am curious if there may be any other ways to encounter this species unobtrusively on the North Island, or if there is anyone I could contact for more information. Thank you all!



Brendan Fogarty


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  • Michael Johnson

    iNaturalist has some sightings on Te Hauturu-o-Toi. Spend a couple of nights there and pick up some tuataras and kiwis at the same time. That is what I plan to do.

    • axoxox

      Of course getting the right permits to get there is the question, although there’s a few volunteer opportunities there for weeding every now and then it’s otherwise completely off-limits for the public (they’ve also reintroduced kakapo there!), I think your best bet would possibly be Pureora Forest Park, (check inat for around where there) [””non-reintroduced”’ Kokako are present and i think it’s a pretty good for spot for Koekoea (Long-Tailed Cuckoo)] or the trail which the person had them in 2019

    • bfogarty

      Thank you Michael. I am certainly aiming to see Tuatara as well. I submitted a request to be added to the rotation of volunteers for the weekend cleanups. It may be scare tactics but they suggest that volunteer opportunities are very limited. There are also the 2.5 cleaning gigs there. That’s all I could find on their website – a longshot perhaps.

  • jgold893

    Pureora Forest would be more accessible than Little Barrier. Though shorties would be improbable to find in a short spate of time.


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