New Podcast: Luke Hunter, Director of the WCS Big Cat Program

In the latest episode of the podcast Charles and I talk to Luke Hunter, the director of the Big Cat Program at the Wildlife Conservation Society and one of the world’s leading experts on wild carnivore conservation. Luke discusses his work to protect Lions in west and central Africa, the reintroduction of Cheetahs in India, and a tragic story of Cheetah conservation in Iran. We also talk about the growing potential of wild cat eco-tourism around the world and how giving a child a set of toy zoo animals can spark a lifetime of mammal research (or mammalwatching in my case!).

You can stream the episode here or find it on Spotify and other podcast platforms (search for “mammalwatching”).

In the next episode we will be talking about our recent trip to West Papua.

And if you simply cannot get enough of hearing me and Charles talk mammals then … well you might want to seek professional help .. but you can also listen to episode 48 of Charley Hesse’s & Ken Behren’s podcast Naturally Adventurous.

Post author

Jon Hall

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