Mouse-tailed Bat Species ID Confirmation

Hello, I was out checking up camera traps of our research and conservation project on the outskirts of Keenjhar lake in Thatta district, Southern Sindh province, Pakistan and since, I had free time I also decided to visit some old mines nearby which have roosts of bats. Since my bat knowledge is very scarce and I hope to learn more, I decided to make a go with my good friend and local scientist, Haroon. We visited the caves an hour away from our regular field site in a heat wave, crazy! Once we reached the caves, I was just showering myself with sweat. The smell was not even that bad. Anyways, my camera was malfunctioning a lot but I still ended up managing to get some a shot of several individuals. I am not sure if there are mixed species in here but as per my research these should be Muscat/ Small Mouse-tailed bats (Rhinopoma muscatellum).

Any feedback or comment would be appreciated!

Post author

Zafeer Shaikh

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