Mammals of Australia Part 3 of 6: Macropods Part 1

Hi people,

My biggest adventure of my life, cruising throughout Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia in search of (mostly) birds and mammals! I drove an approximate 47.000 km in a year. It was the best time of my life!

I also wrote an extensive report about the 117 species of mammals I encountered. Due to some splits this number has risen a bit.

Here is part 2 of 6 of videos of these mammals:

Species filmed:

Bettongs: Burrowing Bettong (captive), Northern Bettong, Rufous Bettong, Southern Bettong, Woylie.

Kangaroos: Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Western Grey Kangaroo, Red Kangaroo.

Pademelons: Red-legged Pademelon, Red-necked Pademelon, Rufous-bellied Pademelon.

Rock Wallabies Part 1: Allied Rock Wallaby, Black-flanked Rock Wallaby, Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby, Cape York Rock Wallaby, Godman’s Rock Wallaby, Herbert’s Rock Wallaby, Mareeba Rock Wallaby, Purple-necked Rock Wallaby, Sharman’s Rock Wallaby, Short-eared Rock Wallaby.

See also the added trip report with all the information per species in this earlier report:

Best regards,

Pieter de Groot Boersma

Post author

Pieter de Groot Boersma

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