Kenya 2022
I was lucky enough to spend most of 2022 in Kenya, doing fieldwork for my PhD. From my base at the Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia, I took mammal-watching expeditions all around the country, seeing over 150 species in the course of the year.
Amongst the many highlights were Aardvark, Naked Mole Rat, Maned Rat, Tana River Mangabey, Harrison’s Giant Mastiff Bat, Caracal, Aardwolf, Zorilla, African Clawless and Spotted-necked Otters, Giant Forest Hog, Weyns’s Duiker and Hirola.
Mammals of Kenya 2022
Post author
Great sightings and I am particularly envious of the black leopard. (Too bad you didn’t see black serval in Aberdares, which are reportedly common there). I was surprised to see you state there are (or were) as many as six black leopards in the Laikipia area. I do know there is one currently being seen with regularity at Laikipia Wilderness Camp.
arne secelle
Great report Mr Chapple. Amazing views. We went to Kenya last september for 1 week to the Laikipia area and had amazing views (sometimes coming up to the car) on several days of the melanastic leopard (they call her Giza). We were told that there are at least 3 other black leopards (a new cub also) there, but far more elusive and shy. And we then went fo 1 week to Aberdare NP. I have always wanted to go there , because I have read that there are chances of melanstic serval (Mr FotoFool is right). We had 3 amazing encounters with a black serval. Once walking up to the car and then on eye level passing only 2 metres next to the car. Crazy view, and a crazy trip seeing 2 melanastic cats in 2 weeks. Caracal has eluded us so far: any suggestions where to go.
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Charles Foley
Great report Ben. You really swept up on the Kenyan species.