ID request: Geoffroy’s Cat in Argentina?

Last weekend I was birding (I know, I apologise…) in Entre Ríos province in Argentina near a town called Perdices in some grassland and marsh area. To my surprise, this black cat appeared on the road in the final hour of the day and came walking towards me. It came to a very close range before it noticed me and decided to vanish in the bushes. I managed to take some pictures before it did. The more I look into it, the more I believe it might be a Geoffroy’s Cat. Apparently melanistic individuals are common, and also the head shape seems pretty spot on to me. The pictures I can find look very similar. But as I am no expert, and there are many cat species occurring in Argentina I am far from sure. The fact that it’s black doesn’t make things easier as colour characteristics can’t be used. I can’t even 100% rule out the possibility of a house cat. So I am very curious what the experts think? Thanks in advance.

Post author

Lonnie Bregman


  • Marcelo Gavensky

    Hi! That cats definitely has the right proportions and color for a melanistic Geoffroy’s Cat, which as you mentioned, it is particularly common in that part of the country (and Perdices is indeed a good place to see it). I hope you had a great time birding in that area, and that you were lucky with the Saffron-cowled Blackbird and the endangered seedeaters!

  • Lonnie Bregman

    Hi Marcelo, many thanks! Yes I did see the Saffron-cowled Blackbird even though it was quite an adventure getting through the muddy roads to the right spot with my tiny rental car 😉 Because of this I didn’t have much time left to spend at another spot I had prepared for seedeaters, so I didn’t find any. But that was where I saw this cat, so I was very happy anyway. Next week I will visit Iberá NP, so hopefully I will be able to find some seedeaters there! Any tips for that area, both bird and mammal wise are of course welcome 😉


  • Sebastian Kennerknecht

    I agree, this looks like a melanistic Geoffroy’s cat to me. Are you ok with me taking a screenshot and sending it to an Argentinian felid biologist friend of mine to confirm?

  • Lonnie Bregman

    Of course, no problem at all Sebastian.

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