French Guiana 2024/2025

We went for Christmas to France and saw … Giant Armadillo, Giant and Silky Anteater, Tayra, Kinkajou, two species of sloths, five species of monkeys, five species of opossum … 40 mammals in 22 days! As far as we know, this is the first report from French Guiana on this site – it’s not considered a place in its own and there are no relevant reports under “France”. Are we finally pioneers?

French Guiana 2024/2025

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  • Jon Hall

    Excellent! I will create a French Guyana page … whatever the French think this is a separate country! Also you just beat Jonas Livet who is there now and seems to be having an annoyingly successful time too.

    • JanEbr

      Yeah I heard you are looking for flight tickets after talking to him 🙂 To be fair, Jonas has been there before , it’s just his bad that he never made a report!

  • jonaslivet

    Great report Jan and congratulations on pioneering this destination! I am just back from my third trip there and we had again great success (and a group of Bush Dogs!), more on all that in my report to come. 😉

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