Central Greece – Athens and Pelion

Hello fellow Mammalwatchers,

I am going on a family vacation in Greece this september – 10th to 17th.

Searching for any leads or tips – I would want to spend some time spotting and photographing wildlife.

I’ll try and spend time in Pelion mountain searching for Mustelids (Beech Marten, European Badger, Weasel) and dormouse so if you know good spots and trails I would love to hear.

Also, are there any good places around Pelion to look for Cetaceans on designated trips? any kind of Dolphins? And for Mediterranean Monk seals?

Any specific tip for the area of Athens, Pelion and anything in between would be useful.


Post author

Yuval Tamir

1 Comment

  • Wanax01

    I visited Pelion in 2015 and I saw many badgers and foxes during the evenings without much trouble, regarding trips to see monk seals (mainly) and cetaceans in the area you indicated I can recommend the Lichadonisia islands in the North Euboean Gulf, I posted a report of my trip there to see the seals on this website a couple of years ago. Lastly if you are interested in seeing red deer, Mount Parnitha near Athens is virtually a guarantee.


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