Brazilian Primates: Piaui, Maranhao, Para and Mato Grosso
This is the 2024 entry in my quest to see all the primates that live in Brazil.
Brazil 2024
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Cheryl Antonucci
Thank you so much! As we discussed, every time I think I am getting closer, the little guys (marmosets, tamarins and the titis) keep getting split. I think however I am more than half way there!
Andreas Jonsson
Sorry to say, but this was not the first primatewatchers they had in Fazenda Anaca 🙂
I was there for the same reason with Gilberto year 2022.At this time it was still Emilia´s marmoset. But I see that I have to change this now? To Schneider´s…
I agree with you that Fazenda Anaca is a fantastic peaceful place. Gilberto is a great guide! More people should visit this place!
Cheryl Antonucci
Ha! We did discuss you visiting there, but I consider you a master level mammal watcher. Now that I identify just as a primate watcher, my mammal watching is my side gig :). But yes I had thought for years and years it was Emilia’s around Alto Floresta proper, but with all the DNA research that was done, the split occurred!
That place was so amazing, I would love to go back just for the food alone!-
Andreas Jonsson
Oh, a “master level mammalwatcher” 🙂
Never heard such nice words 🙂But yes, you are right. I was there for everything and not specifically primates. Very true.
I see that the distribution map on iucnredlist confirms what you say. I have already changed my list.
Thanx for report!
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Awesome report, Cheryl! There you go again, costing me more money! 😉 So how far are you on your quest to see all Brazil’s primates?