Bolivia with Nick’s Adventure Tours
Here’s a short report from a trip to the Santa Cruz area of Bolivia with Nick’s Adventure Tours. This part of Bolivia is truly great for cats. In fact I saw more cats on this 10 day trip than on all of my other South American trips combined. Between the cats around Santa Cruz, Goeldi’s monkey in the north, and a new site Nick’s team are scoping out for Andean bears, I think Bolivia represents a very compelling country to see lots of South America’s iconic wildlife species. I certainly recommend a visit.
Bolivia 2023 Charles Foley
Post author
Ehsan Ullah
I find it hard to believe that the tapir gains anything from this connection. The odd thing is that, while not really being prey, adult tapirs should have such a high tolerance for all kinds of predators. For lengthy lengths, they were strolling side by side.
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Stellar report, Charles!
I heard you talking about it on the podcast as well. I’m super jealous of your Jaguarundi sightings. I hope you post some pictures on Facebook 🙂
And of course that Puma/Tapir behavior! I wonder if the tapir benefits from it in any way, or if it’s strictly parasitic.
I mean, jaguar is the tapir’s only natural predator, and it wouldn’t be intimidated by the puma, would it? I’m just thinking out loud.. 🙂