Any Spontaneous Friends in Sierra de Andujar Apr. 9-13?

Hi everyone,

To buy my new thermal scope I have to go to Spain… Life is tough.

My wife and son aren’t really good at spotlighting and strangely prefer to stay home after dinner and sleep. Weirdos.
My 2-year old son can’t even pronounce Iberian Lynx correctly.. 🙄

Lol, so the point is – I have 4 nights in the area: 2 at Gato clavo and 2 more in the town of Andujar (since Gato Clavo didn’t have those last 2 nights available). I’ll be venturing out into the park or wherever is allowed in the area for spotlighting and to test out my new thermal scope. It’s hard to drive while doing that. I’m not saying it’s impossible.. but it’s hard 😜😇

So if anyone happens to be in the area and wants to join forces for anything from a single night or even a couple of hours, to 4 nights, please feel free to WhatsApp me, Facebook Message me, or email me
Yes, you read that right. I know, I know.

Any mammals will be welcomed – I think Garden dormouse is under-reported from the area, so that would be cool to find. Plus I still haven’t seen Meles meles, Martes martes or Lutra lutra.. all those redundantly-named European carnivores would be cool to see. Or anything else, really. (Lynx, obviously. But I’m also scheduled at the hide 3 times)

Tomer Ben-Yehuda, aka Tomeslice

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