Trip Report – Bolivian Mammalwatching Tour – Royle Safaris – August 2022
In the summer of 2022 Royle Safaris ran our first of 3 mammal focused (special interest in cats) trips to Bolivia. All were very successful with 5 species of cat being seen on two
Yellowstone Guide
This guide covers my experiences in Yellowstone over the past 20 years and includes a number of photos.
Kenya: The world’s best mammal watching
I know this headline is a bit pompous. But having spent two weeks with Biosphere Expeditions in three conservancies at the northern tip of Kenya’s Masai Mara triangle this si
India’s Panna and Kaziranga parks: Cats and Primates
Hi everyone, a short report on my February 2023 trip to Panna N.P. and Kaziranga N.P. with sightings of multiple Tigers, Jungle Cats, a Leopard and .. a Rusty-spotted Cat.
Bats of Cascada San Luis SE Ecuador
Silky Short-tailed Bat – Carollia Brevicaudi
Video & Photo Report of the Search for Drills on Bioko Island in January 2023
Below is a link to a video report documenting the trip to Bioko Island that Jon Hall organized in January 2023 and did a great report on. I hope anybody watching will only graduall
In search of the Striped Possum
The striped possum is an unusual marsupial found both in New Guinea and in rainforest in northern Queensland, Australia. I took the opportunity of a family trip to Mission Beach to
Bats of Oman (acoustic data collected during a birdwatching trip)
On a recent trip to Oman with Starling Reizen, I recorded bats as much as I could and I thought I would share this data with this community. Even if you’re not into acoustics
Trip report North-East India
Hi everyone Find attached our trip report from our trip to North-East India. It was not the most productive trip we had when looking at the total of mammal species but it wa