I thought I would do something different for a change rather than usual trip report lists etc. It references some interesting tiger behaviour witnessed in Tadoba during an extended
SW Texas Gopher-thon, 2023
I spent a weekend in Texas this month with Professor Bob Dowler, gopher and skunk expert and all round good guy, looking for rodents. In particular we were chasing two of the remai
Aardwolfs, Aardvarks and more in the Karoo and Kalahari of South Africa – March 2023
Hi all, this is a report of a small grouptour in Northwest South-Africa in March 2023. Focus was on nocturnal mammals and overall quite a success with good and multiple sightings o
Trip Report: Cambodia May 2023
Hi, this is my first trip report here. English is not my first language so bear with me with all those weird writings.
Trip Report – Borneo (Sabah) Mammalwatching Tour – Royle Safaris – August/September 2022
Royle Safaris runs a specialist mammalwatching group trip to Sabah annually and they never disappoint. Guided by Mike Gordon and visiting Deramakot, Kinabatangan and Tabin (as well
trip report: Mongolia 2022
Trip report from Wildlife Travel’s planning visit to Mongolia last August: following the ‘usual’ two-centre itinerary of Ulanbaatar/Hustai area and the Jargalant
Uganda Jan-Feb 2023
Over 27 days we travelled right around Uganda, from the arid north-east to the mountainous south-west. We visited all major habitats, and saw 82 mammal species, as well as 592 spec
Turkey, 1993 & 2023
Here’s a combined report for two trips to central and southern Turkey, 30 years apart. 35 species including 2 endemic ground squirrels, world’s only non-introduced fall
Chad: Ennedi, Ouadi-Rimé & Zakouma, 2023
Until a few years ago Chad was far off of my mammalwatching radar. But then I saw some pictures from Zakouma National Park of very large herds of Buffalo and Elephant, surrounded b
Paraguay trip report. May 2023. Stuart Chapman
I just spent the last two weeks in Paraguay on a tour led by Paul Smith of Fauna Paraguay. I saw one of my main cat targets, Geoffroy’s cat, and a total of 28 mammal spec