How to (not) find a Mediterranean Monk Seal in Greece
This is my latest report from a trip to Greece.
Brazil (Northern Pantanal) by Bud Lensing
I visited the northern Pantanal in search of jaguars, giant otters, tapirs, etc
Trip Report – Bolivian Mammalwatching Tour – Royle Safaris – October 2022 (tour 1)
In October 2022 Royle Safaris ran two back to back mammal focused (special interest in cats) trips to Bolivia. This first trip report is from the first trip in which we were very s
Spring bears in Spain
A report of a midweek bear sighting in Cantabria, Spain by europesbig5. The report highlights an incident involving three bears that were observed the year before. This, before the
Eaglesnest, India, May 2023
This report is from a recent trip to Eaglesnest, India, in search of Asiatic golden cat, Leopard cat and Marbled cat sightings.
First trip to Alaska
<edited accidental double insertion of pictures> I took my first trip to Alaska in early June. The weather worked out very well with only light rain and most days none at all
Panamint Kangaroo Rats in Nevada
Here are the details on where I successfully found a couple Panamint Kangaroo Rats in southern Nevada.
(Rare) Primates in Vietnam
A succesfull self 0rganised trip to Vietnam (from Ho Chi Min City to Saigon). We focus on Primates and have seen 11 species on our recent trip (feb-march 2023).
Trip report India ‘A quest for cats from East to West’ 13 march – 3 April 2023
Trip report Inda, a search for wild cats of India and much more other wildlife and scenery
Iberian Ibex in Gredos, August 2022
Hi! This is my first trip report. I have recently started to pick up interest in mammal watching, but wanted to post this short report from last year, as I think it can be helpful