Tanzania local tour operator recommendations
TLDR: Any recommendations for local Tanzanian tour operators? (northern circuit) Dear Mammalwatching community, First of all I want to thank you for your excellent reports which I
Information about Hirola “Beatragus hunteri”
I am planning a trip to Kenya in which besides several others spots I like to see the Hirola if possible. To increase my (low) chances I am keen in information about best spots, ti
New Podcast Episode: Marcelo Gavensky & Argentina
Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating in any way. I just uploaded the last podcast episode of 2024, in which we talk to Marcelo Gavensky from his home in Buenos Aires. Marcel
Early February in North America
Merry Christmas fellow mammalwatchers! next early February I will be visiting Las Vegas for work and I’m thinking adding ~4d for mammals. Thinking about some good weather escap
Book review: Illustrated Checklist to Neotropical Primates from Lynx and re:wild
I just received a copy, hot off the presses, of the latest in the Lynx Illustrated Checklist series. Their new book in Neotropical Primates is, like their Madagascar checklist, spo
Monkey Mayhem: Formosan Rock Macaques Will Rock Your World at Shoushan
This World Monkey Day, December 14, 2024, I went for a hike at Shoushan (壽山, Mandarin for “Longevity Mountain”), a coastal mountain in Kaohsiung, the largest city in southe
RFI: Weekend Trip from Bangkok, February ’25
Hi all, My wife and I are looking for recommendations for a two-day trip near Bangkok in early February. We would depart BKK on a Friday night and return Sunday night. The obvious
Flock to Marion Island cruise Jan 2025
Perhaps a bit late notice, but some may be interested in this opportunity. Birdlife South Africa is organizing a 8 day cruise to Marion Island in the Southern Ocean, from Jan 24-31
Proserpine Rock Wallaby Airlie Beach
Can anyone help with details of Proserpine Rock Wallaby Airlie Beach, I cannot find any of the sites Jon mentions on google maps “Mount Lucas in Airlie Beach. The drive up th
China for Snow Leopards, Red Pandas and possibly Giant Pandas – late February/early March 2025
Hi all, I’ve planned out a trip to Sichuan and Qinghai provinces in China to look for snow leopards, red pandas, golden snub-nosed monkey and with some luck – giant pan