A Field Guide to Tawau Hills Park Authors: Shavez Cheema, Rimi Repin, Chun Xing Wong and John Payne (2021)
A Field Guide to Tawau Hills Park
Borneo bat opinion request
Hello all, just returned from my first foray overseas since covid changed the world, so it’s been 3 years….wow. Anyway I and my trusty partner Kat visited a few destina
Attenborough echidna ‘rediscovered’
Scientists from Oxford University have captured new video of the Attenborough long-beaked echidna https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-67363874
Latest Mammal List League Table – All (mammal) Species
We’ve just added a third mammal listing league table to mamamlwatching.com. The cat and primate listing league tables have been up for a few months now and I’m happy to
Does anyone want to take a day trip to look for cetaceans in Hawaii (Dec 17, 18 or 19)?
I’m stopping in Hawaii for a few days on my way back to Australia for Christmas and am organising a private cetacean trip with Wild Side Hawaii (O’ahu not too far fro
Updated information on finding some of Californnia’s Chipmunks
Back in 2015, before Venkat Sankar was a household name, he sent me this useful post. Likely written by him during an elementary school recess. Venkat just provided some updated in
RFI Ghana – gear
We are planning to go to Ghana for three weeks in December (we have tickets, hope to get visa next week). I have looked into some reports and other materials, but basically everyon
Vaquita and conservation
I just watched Sea of Shadows on Nat Geo. It’s about how cartel fisheries is threatening Vaquitas in the Sea of Cortez. Its extremely depressing! At our mammalwatching meetin
RFI: Bolivian Amazon/Pampas
Hi all, I am planning a trip to Bolivia for two weeks at the end of March 2024 with my parents, who will be on sabbatical in Brazil. We’re probably going to have about 5 nigh
Mammalwatching Exclusive Safari: Nambia, May 2024
I thought this would be a good time to advertise it again. And if you are living in New York, where it has rained every weekend for the past 7 weeks, I have to say that Namibia is