Suggestions where to go in Early to Mid October
I have to take a week off work in early to mid October. My girlfriend is not fond of hot places, so I am thinking maybe somewhere in Canada? We only have a week so I think a huge f
Bobcats in California 2022 – Trip Report
During last years Bobcats of California tour, we broke our record at Cat Expeditions by seeing twelve different bobcats. Our closest cat got to within two meters of us! We saw lots
Mammal Checklists from Stuart On Nature
Chris and Mathilde Stuart, the biologists and prolific authors of field guides, have just uploaded a collection of mammal checklists from various parks in several countries. They h
First trip to Alaska
<edited accidental double insertion of pictures> I took my first trip to Alaska in early June. The weather worked out very well with only light rain and most days none at all
Panamint Kangaroo Rats in Nevada
Here are the details on where I successfully found a couple Panamint Kangaroo Rats in southern Nevada.
One Wolf Species or Two in North America?
According to an article in the 01 June 2023 issue of Journal of American Mammalogy, the split of gray wolf into two North American species was very stringy. How stringy? Pretty dar
Location Map for Texas Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys elator)
Hey all. If you want to look for Texas Kangaroo Rat (and who doesn’t?), and if you are not Jon Hall (who has already seen it), here is a map that shows the results recent tra
SW Texas Gopher-thon, 2023
I spent a weekend in Texas this month with Professor Bob Dowler, gopher and skunk expert and all round good guy, looking for rodents. In particular we were chasing two of the remai
RFI: North American Horseback Mammalwatching
I would like to spend a few days mammalwatching via horseback in fall 2023 or in 2024. A search of this site for “horseback” and “horse” did not return any
Local Area Wildlife: Massachusetts May 2023
May though mid June seems to be a good time to find mammals and snakes in my area. Most of the spring I’ve spent looking at reptiles and amphibians, but this weekend was part