Wanted! Experts for small mammals
Hi, all the german Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin is lookong for experts in small mammals especially mice and shrews to help in a citizen conservation projects with identifying the co
Urban Foxes in the UK – what’s a good place to photograph them?
As discussed in other posts, I am working on a long term project to photograph all of the wild cats and dogs of the world – or as many as I can, at any rate. In addition
Iberian Lynx extravganza
The report gives a detailed description of the exceptional sightings we made of the Iberian Lynx. Apart from an atmospheric picture of the sightings themselves, the report is writt
Mammalwatching in Poland
A brief report on some mammalwatching in Poland. Highlights including Eurasian Otter & European Bison.
RFI – London, UK (April 2023)
Hi all, My wife and I are going to be in London, UK for a week in mid-April. I’m looking for recommendations for mammal watching sites in the immediate area. I’ll be sp
Want to cruise Western Svalbard with me in June 2024? Bowhead Whales and Polar Bears
I’ve wanted to see Bowhead Whales for as long as I can remember but they are a not an easy species to find, especially now that Russia it out of bounds for most of us. So I w
Georgia and Armenia Caucasus Royal trip 2022
New trip report of Batumi Birding Caucasus Royal trip to Georgia and Armenia. Mostly focused on birdwatching, but with several great mammal species incl. Dagestan tur, Bezoar goat
Spain search for Iberian Lynx
Hi you all, Hereby a short trip report for our trip to Spain for Iberian Lynx. I was with my cousin Jillis Roos and we had some great sightings of this beautiful and rare cat. G