Central Greece – Athens and Pelion
Hello fellow Mammalwatchers, I am going on a family vacation in Greece this september – 10th to 17th. Searching for any leads or tips – I would want to spend some time
Mammals and Wildlife around England
Hi, My parents have decided to let me study a semester in a Boarding School in England and I would obviously like to search for some animals while staying there, so maybe someone
Svalbard, Northern Norway and Finland
End of May to mid-June 2024, we spend three weeks exploring the North of Europe. For the first part of the trip, we did a cruise with Oceanwide Expeditions starting from Vlissingen
RFI: Baffin Island
Hi all. Ian Thompson and I are beginning to look into trips to the Arctic, and in time, ideally putting a little group together. Key targets would be Bowhead whale and Narwhal. In
Iceland 2024 Trip report
Brief notes on our recent trip to Iceland. Key updates Vs earlier reports: Heydalur now does not have an artic fox which visits; Laki Tours out of Olafsvik is probably the most rel
Bat watching on the Peloponnese
Hi everyone, a very spontaneous offer. I will be in the Peloponnese near Patras (Greece) from the 18th (today) to the 20th of July. I plan to visit one colony each of P. kolombatov
Advertising: Watching Lynxes in Estonia, February 2025
Starling Tours have had exceptional success in showing their tour participants Eurasian Lynxes in Estonia over the past few years. Their guide – Mark Kaptein – found 4
Easy Arctic Foxes in Iceland
Im currently in Iceland (again) and just want to recommend a spot were Arctic Fox is very reliable. At the visitor center at Malarrifsviti they are seen daily and the breed there.
Help to identify a small bat in Albania
On a recent trip to Albania in May 2024 we found a small bat dead on the ground under a highway bridge – Derven north of Tirane. I would appreciate any suggestions about whic
Bowheads & Bears Cruise, Svalbard 2024
I’ve been a tiny bit obsessed with seeing a Bowhead Whale for as long as I can remember and I’m not sure why. Maybe it is because they are the longest-lived mammal on the plane