Camera trapping, the hard way
Some notes on the Azores Noctule (2024)
Here is a small report on some sightings of the endemic Azores Noctule in August 2024
Saimaa Ringed Seal 09/2024
The idea to go boating on a large Finnish lake appeared to us even before we heard about the peculiar freshwater seal population that lives in the area, but once we learned more ab
Pico Island, The Azores, August 2024
“Let’s go to the Azores. I mean I do quite like whalewatching….” I looked deep into Zoom and searched for any hint of sarcasm in my daughter’s express
Advertising: Special Mole-Rat Romania Tour with Sakertours, April 2025
If you were in any doubt that mammalwatching has truly become popular then look no further! In what has to be a world first, Sakertours are running a trip dedicated to finding four
Central Greece – Athens and Pelion
Hello fellow Mammalwatchers, I am going on a family vacation in Greece this september – 10th to 17th. Searching for any leads or tips – I would want to spend some time
Mammals and Wildlife around England
Hi, My parents have decided to let me study a semester in a Boarding School in England and I would obviously like to search for some animals while staying there, so maybe someone
Svalbard, Northern Norway and Finland
End of May to mid-June 2024, we spend three weeks exploring the North of Europe. For the first part of the trip, we did a cruise with Oceanwide Expeditions starting from Vlissingen
RFI: Baffin Island
Hi all. Ian Thompson and I are beginning to look into trips to the Arctic, and in time, ideally putting a little group together. Key targets would be Bowhead whale and Narwhal. In
Iceland 2024 Trip report
Brief notes on our recent trip to Iceland. Key updates Vs earlier reports: Heydalur now does not have an artic fox which visits; Laki Tours out of Olafsvik is probably the most rel