Italy’s Wolves & Other Mammals
I have been visiting Italy’s Abruzzo and Central Apennines every summer and autumn since 2017, for its endemic mammals: notably the Apennine Wolf, Marsican Bear and Apennine
Slovakia (…and little bit of Vienna)
A week in Slovakia and Vienna in search for Alpine Chamois, European souslik and European hamster.
Tour of Scandinavia
Report on a tour of Scandinavia in my campervan including Musk Ox, Brown Bear and Wolverine. (Includes statistics on hunting that some people might find upsetting) https://hughlans
Northern Spain: Genets, cats, bears & hares
Road trip report through the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains.
Re-Discovery of the Grey Dwarf Hamster
Re-Discovery of the Grey Dwarf Hamster
Camera trapping, the hard way
Some notes on the Azores Noctule (2024)
Here is a small report on some sightings of the endemic Azores Noctule in August 2024
Saimaa Ringed Seal 09/2024
The idea to go boating on a large Finnish lake appeared to us even before we heard about the peculiar freshwater seal population that lives in the area, but once we learned more ab
Pico Island, The Azores, August 2024
“Let’s go to the Azores. I mean I do quite like whalewatching….” I looked deep into Zoom and searched for any hint of sarcasm in my daughter’s express
Advertising: Special Mole-Rat Romania Tour with Sakertours, April 2025
If you were in any doubt that mammalwatching has truly become popular then look no further! In what has to be a world first, Sakertours are running a trip dedicated to finding four