Identifying flying fox species in Assam
Hello my fellow mammallovers, I am almost done with my successful mammalwatching trip through India. Most species that I saw I have been able to identify, but there is one species
Join me in Sichuan Dec 29 – Jan 11
Looking for two more people for a mammalwatching trip in Sichuan with the incomparable Sid Francis from Dec 29, 2025 through Jan 11, 2026. Primary targets will be Giant Panda and R
RFI: White-thighed Surili near Kuala Lumpur?
Hello everyone, we are heading to Borneo in April and we have a 28-hour stopover in Kuala Lumpur on our way in (landing at 7am and flying to Kota Kinabalu next day at 11.30am). I w
Suggestions for northeastern India hotspots?
Hi, planning for a trip next year around beginning of April, I set my mind on spending about 10 days between Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya (to be weighted according to whi
Call for volunteers – special short trip for small Cetaceans in Gulf of Thailand – september 2025
Hello mammal watchers, We are currently looking for 1 to 2 persons to share a short exploration trip in search of small tropical Cetacean species – Indo-pacific humpback dolp
Sichuan – Qinghai Mammals in Winter
I’ve read about the fantastic mammal sightings in Sichuan-Qinghai, but never had the chance to explore the region despite having visited Sichuan many times over the past few
We, Rob Jansen & Romy Jansen-Houtzager, are two enthusiastic nature lovers who travel the world together to search for stunning birds, fascinating mammals and incredible nature
Thailand, December 25th to January 8th
This is my first trip report on this website. I have been focusing on wildlife more and more during my travels in last 10 years, but this was only my fourth trip built entirely aro
Thermal Imaging in Turkey
Any body any recent experience of travelling and using, or knowledge of legality of using, a thermal imager in Turkey. I know that there have been posts a while ago about various