Bat ID California
Can anyone help with the ID of this bat, it was taken in Monterey in January. It is a largish bat with characteristic wing markings. My field guides don’t really help me, so
Sri Lanka Slow Lories Quest
Hi all I am planning to go to Sri Lanka later this year. Do you know any good places to see Grey Slender Lories and Red Slender Lories? Your help would be very much appreciated! Al
Thank you
I just wanted to saw a big thank you to the growing community out there who are using this forum. When I set this up on wordpress I hoped it would become a place where we could all
Sei and Right Whales off of Massachusetts
I’m on a boat heading back into Gloucester, Massachusetts and just had an awesome afternoon whale watching. I was hoping for Atlantic White Sided Dolphins which I missed. But
More Rodent ID help required, SE Arizona
All the following rodents were trapped in desert scrub near Rodeo just over the Arizona border. The first two mice were found in the same trap! The smaller grey individual had a bo
Rodent ID help required, SE Arizona
Hi all. I’ve just returned from two weeks in Arizona where I saw a number of Peromyscus type mice. I would appreciate any thoughts that may help me identify them down to species
New Mole Rat Species Described in Zambia
Caroline’s mole rat:
Andean cat (Leopardus jacobitus)
Hello everyone. I‘m planning a trip to Chile and Argentina, and knowing the ultra high difficulty of observe this animal in the wild, i appreciate any information about compa
New global birding trip-report website
Hi there, Last month a substitute for travellingbirder was launched: So we all again can scroll down deliberalitely trough numerous birding
Andujar or Somiedo, That is the Question!
Thanks again everyone for all the amazing information on my last request for information for our upcoming wildlife trip to Europe. The planning is coming along well and we are ma