New Trip Report Red Pandas in Nepal and a couple of bats in Agra
I was in Nepal and India last month, and though it was mainly work I squeezed in a long weekend to look for Red Pandas in Nepal and a report is here, featuring a gorgeous Red Panda
New Rat Species that cannot gnaw or chew
‘There are more than 2,200 rodent species in the world and until this discovery all had molars in the back of their mouth and incisors at the front. Read more: http://www.dai
New Trip Report – Way Kambas, Sumatra
A new report from Richard Webb, just back from Way Kambas he saw 26 species including Marbled Cat(s) and a Banded Palm Civet. Jon
New Trip Reports – Big Bend (Texas) & Sri Lanka
Two new trip reports on Big Bend Bat Watch, 2012: Fiona Reid, 1 week & 20+ species including the fabulous Ghost-faced Bat, Townsend’s Big-eared Bat, Da
New Trip Report – Anhui, China
Coke Smith just sent me a report from his trip this month to Anhui – 4 days & 6 species including Tibetan Macaque and Finless Porpoise and lots of great photos as always.
Snow Leopards
Here’s a recent video from a trip to Ladakh where Scott Watson saw 5 Snow Leopards! Way to go. Jon
New Trip Report – Pakistan
Pakistan, Nov 2011: Dominique Brugiere, a successful search for Markhors Jon
New Trip Reports – Tibet
Jepser Hornskov has sent me 4 reports from Tibet where he has seen a mouthwatering set of mammals over the years running (primarily) birding trips. I am now more desperate to go th
Mammal News & Notes
Some stories/blogs that might be of interest to mammal watchers: The global conservation site Mongabay often has mammal stories. A couple of recent ones: Pangolins imperiled by Int
Highest diversity of cats found in Assam forest
THis is old news but I’d not seen it Jon Using camera traps over a two-year period, wildlife biologist Kashmira Kakati has discovered seven species of wild cats living in the