New Trip Report – Sabah & Sumatra
Sumatran Orang Utan I spent the last two weeks of May in Sabah (Deramakot Forest Reserve) and Sumatra (Way Kambas & Gunung Leuser)with Jean-Michel Bompar and Tomer Ben-Yehuda.
Mammals in the News
A few recent stories that caught my eye. I was expecting some sort of online tool to identify birds and it has arrived (though I anticipated more of a Shazam for bird song). Now wh
Deramakot, May 2015
I had visited Borneo twice already but at the end of 2014, reports of Deramakot Forest Reserve in Sabah began to arrive in my in-box. Sun Bears, Banded Palm Civets and Marbled Ca
Mammals in the News
I’m heading off to the jungle tonight for two weeks starting in Sabah. Bring on the Sun Bears, the Marbled Cats and the leeches. Meanwhile here are a few articles that caught
New (old) reports: Pakistan and Afghanistan
Vladimir Dinets just submitted these notes of trips he took to these two countries some time ago. I visited Pakistan briefly in 2011 and loved the country. Afghanistan sounds fabul
New trip report: Gujurat
Great new report from a Richard Webb-led, Wildwings tour to Gujurat: 12 days & 27 species including Striped Hyena, Asiatic Lion, Wolf and Desert Jird. jon
Mammals in the News
Quite a lot of interesting articles over the past week or two. Some good news for cats with nice images of Nicaraguan Jaguars and promising news of a recovery for the Amur Leopard.
New Trip Reports: India and Thailand
I’ve just upload two trip reports to Janco van Gelderen was in India late last year. In 3.5 weeks he saw 30+ species including a Pangolin (and if that was
Mammals in the news
Here’s a few recent articles that caught my eye. Golden Cats have had a good deal of publicity the past few days with videos of them attacking – and being harassed by &
Mammals in the News
I saw a bunch of mammalian videos this week, ranging from the very cute – Bao Bao’s first snow day – through to the rather less cute camera trap footage of Bonobo