New Trip Report: Raja Ampat (West Papua)
And here is the last of Curtis Hart’s four reports from a spectacular location where the mammals can be very hard to find. Raja Ampat, 2016: Curtis Hart, 4 weeks & 8 spec
New Trip Reports: Borneo (Sabah and Brunei)
And here’s two more from Curtis Hart covering his Bornean adventures. Sabah, 2015: Curtis Hart, 2 weeks & 35+ species including Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, BInturon
New Trip Report: Sulawesi
Curtis Hart spent the (northern) winter in Borneo and Indonesia. Here’s the first of four reports from him about this exciting mammal watching region. Sulawesi, 2015: Curt
New Trip Report: Qinghai and Sichuan
Another very successful trip report covering both Sichuan & Qinghai on the same trip. I am envious of all those badgers in particular! Sichuan & Qinghai, 2016: Juan Luis Or
New Trip Report: Sichuan and Qinghai
Nigel Goodgame had a great time in China, and managed – with the new roads – to combine the Qinghai area and Sichuan into one 3 week trip. Sichuan & Qinghai, 2016:
New Trip Report – India
I am now in Australia for a couple of weeks with my kids: some mammals, some friends and a lot of wine I hope. So I won’t be adding trip reports til I get back. In the me
New Trip Reports: Sabah & Sumatra
Richard Webb, Phil Telfer, John Wright and Paul Carter just got back from a trip to Borneo and Sumatra. Clouded Leopards were their main quarry and finally Richard was successfu
New Trip Report: Red Pandas in Nepal
Here’s a report Cathy Pasterczyk alerted me to on Red Pandas in Nepal Jon
New Trip Report: Ladakh
Here’s a nice report on a recent, successful, Snow Leopard trip. Ladakh, 2016: Bellingham Safaris, 11 days & 7 species including several Snow Leopards. Jon
New Borneo Mammals Field Guide
I just received a copy of the new Phillipps’s field guide to the mammals of Borneo. My first impression is that it looks like a very useful update on the now rather out