Important information for German mammal watching
This made me smile Jon
New Trip Report – Israel
Israel, 2014: Dominique Brugiere, 2 weeks & several species including Onager, Mountain & Dorcas Gazelles, Indian Porcupine and Golden Spiny Mouse. Jon
Lynx sighting in Belarus
A nice video of a Lynx spotted on a ecotours wildlife birding trip to Belarus Jon
New Trip Reports: India and Finland
Two more reports up on today Central India, 2014: Mattia Altieri, 2 weeks & 22 species in an interesting trip top an under-reported area. Highlights include
New Trip Reports: The Western Sahara, South Africa & Nepal
Three new reports on Western Sahara, 2014: Juan Luis Ortega, 10 days & 13 species including an African Wolf (with pictures too). South Africa, 2014: Juan Lui
New Trip Report – Croatia
Here’s an account of my trip to Croatia last week to find a Mediterranean Monk Seal Jon
New Trip Reports: Kenya & Morocco
Two new reports from Dominique Brugiere are up on Kenya, 2013: Dominque Brugiere, 10 days with species including Hirola, Desert Warthog,Tana River Mangabey, Blac
Danish Wolves and Liberian Chimps
April 2014: It is suspected by a group of wolf enthusiasts in Denmark that the country probably has its first resident wolf family for over 200 years, reports Rewilding Europe. htt
Tibet Trip September with Dominique Brugiere – space available
Dominique Brugiere, who travels as much as Obama and sees way more mammals, is planning a trip to Tibet in September and is interested in having other people come along. I am tempt
Croatia: Monk Seals and more
Hi, does anyone out there know much about Croatia or other countries in the region. I’ve got to be in Europe for a week or so over Easter and want to explore. In particular I